If you claim is denied, you can try and appeal it. You will only be given workmen's comp is the injury happened on the job.
no, unless you owe them for a fraudulent claim you received funds from.
The applicant will receive a letter informing them that their claim has either been denied or approved. If the claim is denied the letter will include instructions on how to file an appeal. If the claim is approved, the letter will state the amount awarded, when benefit payments will commence, and other pertinent information. In some cases a letter of an approved claim is sent and then additional correspondence explaining the program will follow.
Yes, a workman's comp claim can be denied if you don't pass the drug test. If you were on drugs, it might be your fault that you were injured or hurt.
Answer is No workmens comp is only applicable to injuries sustained while on the job, damages to a vehicle are not part of workmens comp.
Your claim may very well be affected.
Do i need to file income taxes ,workmens comp did not send me a 1099? I did not file last year 2007 because i asked workmens comp. for a 1099 they did not send ...so i assumed i did not need to file. Can i file both years?
Your claim is most likely covered by a WC insurance, either a prvate policy the employer had or one with the State. As such, your claim should be unaffected by the Bankruptcy.
I don't see why not.
No they can't, if it has only to do with being on WC.
A insurance provided by employers for injured employees. There is a provision in Texas law whereby an employer may elect not to purchase workmens' comp insurance. About 33% of Texas employers do not have WC insurance.
when you apply for jobs the company advised the other company verbally that your a bad employee and make recommendations not to hire you .