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Then I'd say you are entitled to 1/3 of the TOTAL SALES PRICE. I'm not a lawyer, but I think you should consult one. I AM an attorney, and if you are indeed the actual party named on this deed, absolutely you are legally entitled to one-third of the proceeds of any sale. Real property is often gifted or passed by devise, transferring legal title without any payment by the recepient- having put money into the property is irrelevant when it comes to title and rights of ownership- This is assuming the way in which YOU wound up on the deed was not fraudulently purveyed (to cheat another, etc., it gets complicated), a mistake "in fact" (it was SUPPOSED to be your sister on the deed), or a mistranscription (you are John H. Doe, but the grantor meant to write John I. Doe). real estate conveyances are governed under probably the oldest laws we have- dating back to the Middle Ages' English laws- and so, if you are on the deed, rightfully, it's YOUR land to the extent the deed says so! BTW: contracts for the sale of land must be in writing because they are so important, and the ultimate writing memorializing the transfer of an interest in land is the deed itself. If the deed is 100% valid (cannot be shot down for the above reasons), that's that. It's a very big deal document under the law.

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Q: What if your name is on the DEED as one-third co-owner you have never paid a penny towards the property the property is sold do you have rights to any of the equity?
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Can you get a home equity loan on your rental property?

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return on equity?

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