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If the only copy of the will is in the girlfriend's hands, that is rather delicate. It either says she is the sole beneficiary, and she'd be quick enough to show it, or it does not, in which case she may "accidently" lose it.

On the other hand, if your father's property was in his name, than as his immediate family you have the right to go there and look. However, verify this with a local attorney first so as to avoid...great difficulties.

Know also, in the absence of a will, the children, not the girlfriend, are the presumed beneficiaries, so there is little for the girlfriend to gain in destroying the will. Her only hope for getting the estate is for the will to say that she does. However, so you know, she could attempt a claim based on "common law marriage", which in some states is valid.

She also could be doing what you probably suspect she is doing - draining and removing all assets before anyone can stop her. On the other hand, she was your father's virtual wife for three decades, so perhaps she is simply mourning - and perhaps, too, there is some moral right on her side to desire not to lose all she has shared with him within days of his departure. You'll know more about that than I.

An attorney for you and your siblings is of paramount importance right now. Besides the residence itself, there are issues pertaining to the bank account, personal property, mementos and keepsakes, and of course - life insurance. Utlimately, she will be required to show whatever she admits to having. Wills are not a matter of people's word, they must be reviewed.

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Q: What if your father passed away 7 days ago and has had a girlfriend of 30 years you need to know who the beneficiary is because she will not let us see the will and they will not let us bury him?
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