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what if your done with current child support but still owe interest for back support.

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Q: What if your done with current support but still owe interest for back child support?
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can you still get a passport if you owe just interest on your child support?

There are limitations on US passports if you owe any child support.

Can you stop back child support when the child is now an adult?

No, it is still owed with interest. The back child support was supposed to be paid while the child was growing up. Check your state laws.

Do you have to pay child support to a child that was born in Mexico and now the mother wants child support?

It is in the best interest of your child for you to pay child support. If the child is still living in Mexico and the mother has a court order, you need to pay support. If there is no court order, you are not legally obligated to pay support.

If you have one child and ex has one child do you still have to pay support or can you call it even?

You have to pay support until you return to court and have the child support order amended to reflect the current circumstances.

Does a father have to continue to pay child support if they relinquish their parental rights in NJ?

A court will rarely issue a court order that the father cannot see the child unless it is in the best interest of the child due to some type of abuse or criminal activity or unhealthy environment. If he chooses to not see the child he must still pay child support. The mother should make certain she keeps the child support order current and complains to the court if he doesn't pay regularly.A court will rarely issue a court order that the father cannot see the child unless it is in the best interest of the child due to some type of abuse or criminal activity or unhealthy environment. If he chooses to not see the child he must still pay child support. The mother should make certain she keeps the child support order current and complains to the court if he doesn't pay regularly.A court will rarely issue a court order that the father cannot see the child unless it is in the best interest of the child due to some type of abuse or criminal activity or unhealthy environment. If he chooses to not see the child he must still pay child support. The mother should make certain she keeps the child support order current and complains to the court if he doesn't pay regularly.A court will rarely issue a court order that the father cannot see the child unless it is in the best interest of the child due to some type of abuse or criminal activity or unhealthy environment. If he chooses to not see the child he must still pay child support. The mother should make certain she keeps the child support order current and complains to the court if he doesn't pay regularly.

Can You still Be sued for child support once you sign an affidavit waiver of interest of a child?

I'm not familiar with this waiver, but I'm sure that signing it does not exempt one from paying support.

What is the New York law on signing over parental rights. Do you still have to pay back child support and current child support?

First, you can't voluntarily sign away parental rights without the permission of the court AND the mother, provided that the other parent is not now or will in the future be on Welfare. They have the power to override any such decision. If you are granted it, you will still owe the back child support, but there will not longer a current payments, so the amount you pay will not change until the arrears and compounded interest penalties are paid. Why not be the a father to the child? see related link

Can a mother collect child support after 15 years of not collecting?

arrears - yes; current (ongoing) support - yes, if the child is still a minor/dependent; retroactive support - maybe, it depends on several factors

If a father signs over his parental rights does he still owe back child support in Arizona?

Yes. He also owes ongoing (current) support, until/unless the child is adopted.

Your husband abandoned you and your son 34 years ago is he still responsible for child support?

If an order for support was entered when the child was a minor, he is responsible for any support ordered and not paid. Lacking such order, he could be responsible for current support only if the child is severely handicapped.

What is the minimum in back child support you can be and still receive your passport?

$3500 Why are there arrears? If there is a legitimate reason, such as unemployment, the obligor can still file for a reduction in them. Most Child Support obligors do not know there is free help from the state, by federal law, to obtain a modification. At the minimum, a motion should be filed to have any interest penalties set aside, which can double or triple the amount owed. Of the total media "reported" amount of child support owed, 83% if interest penalties and not unpaid child support.

Can the mother of your child collect child support from you when you have sole custody and seventy four percent?

Reference to "seventy four percent" is unclear, but it seems unlikely that the child's mother could collect current child support in such a situation. (She can still collect past-due support, if any.)