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There is a statute of limitations, but it does not matter. Each state sets their own statute of limitations, but it is normally 2-3 years for misdemeanor criminal and traffic offenses.

The statute of limitations in a criminal case starts at the time that the activity is alleged to have taken place (time when you were said to have driven with a suspended license) and dictates the time in which you must be charged (the time in which you are arrested or ticketed). In most cases, you would be ticketed or arrested within minutes or hours of when you are alleged to have broken the law, and the statute of limitations would therefore not be triggered.

Further, if you've been given probation, it means that your case has already been disposed of, either through trial or plea, and if you haven't yet raised the statute of limitations problem, it is too late.

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Q: What if you where placed on probation for driving while license suspended - is there still a statute of limitation for driving without the license?
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Is driving on suspended license violation of probation in Virginia?

Yes it is. A condition of probation will require the probationer to obey all the laws. Driving a vehicle with a suspended license is an offense, and could subject the probationer to having his/her probation revoked or modified.

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You will be charged with driving while your license is suspended. Whether or not you're on probation doesn't effect this particular offense. If you were on probation, driving with a suspended license is probably a violation of your probation, and a whole different issue.

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Your driver's license will not be suspended in Pennsylvania if you have a suspended registration. A driver's license can be suspended for driving without insurance or if you get a DUI.

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Driving on a suspended license when your license was suspended due to a DUI.

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No. If your privilege to drive is suspended, it is suspended for driving EVERYTHING.

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i bet that you have a suspended license

If you have a liscence from another state and are driving in a state where you are suspended is it illegall?

Yes. No different than if you were a resident of that state and driving on a suspended license. A suspended license is invalidated everywhere.

Driving while license suspended in another state?

It's driving on a suspended license, period. You'll face fines, and your suspension will be extended.

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He was arrested for driving on a suspended license.

What happens if your license is suspended in PA but get caught driving in Florida?

It means that you were caught driving without a valid license. Your valid US-issued license is good in every US state, but when it is suspended it is suspended everywhere.

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and gets cited for driving with a suspended license.