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Then any visitation rights will have to be worked out accordingly. Otherwise, there should be no special issue. As many restraining orders are between former romantic partners, this is not an uncommon occurrence.

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Q: What if you have a child by the the person you have restraint order against?
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Can wife keep child from husband?

Only if the court orders it. There should be a legal restraint order. Contact your attorney.

What age does your child need to be in order to not a need a car seat?

4 The answer is NOT based on age but on the height and weight of your child. If your child is over 40lbs he/she can transition to a booster seat with lap/ shoulder restraint.

Can you marry a person you have a injunction against?

No. An injunction is a court order that requires that person not to come in contact with you. As an aside, why would you want to marry a person who requires a restraining order? * An injunction can be applied to many different matters both as a restraint or an order to take action, therefore the question needs to be more specific. In general any order that is in affect and is arbitrarily violated by the petitioner becomes null and void.

How do you restrain a child?

What kind of 'restraint' are you asking about? Restraining order? Automobile restraints? Physically restraining a violent child? (????) Please re-word and re-submit the question.a rest-raring order is an order from a staff member to restrain the chil first

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No. That person would need to establish their own legal connection, and yours, to the child in order to be entitled to seek child support.No. That person would need to establish their own legal connection, and yours, to the child in order to be entitled to seek child support.No. That person would need to establish their own legal connection, and yours, to the child in order to be entitled to seek child support.No. That person would need to establish their own legal connection, and yours, to the child in order to be entitled to seek child support.

Can a child receive child support if the father is not named?

Of course not. The father must be named in the petition to establish paternity so the court will know who to notify. An order for DNA testing and subsequent child support order cannot be issued against an unnamed person.

What is a contact order?

A contact order is an order requiring the person with whom a child lives,to allow the child to visit or stay with the person named in the order or for that person and the child otherwise to have contact with each other.Childrens Act 1989, s.8.

Can a father go against a court order to take child to the child's church?


How to marry a person who has an order of protection against you?

Marrying a person who has an order of protection against you is breaking the law. You have to get the order lifted before getting married.

Why would a birth mother be getting served papers from her kids uncle if she hasn't had custody for 7 yrs?

If he has custody of the children he may be petitioning the court for a child support order against the mother.If he has custody of the children he may be petitioning the court for a child support order against the mother.If he has custody of the children he may be petitioning the court for a child support order against the mother.If he has custody of the children he may be petitioning the court for a child support order against the mother.

Can you get a blood test if there when there is a child support order?

If a child support order was issued against you and you have doubts whether you are the father of the child then you can request a DNA test through the court. You should act immediately.If a child support order was issued against you and you have doubts whether you are the father of the child then you can request a DNA test through the court. You should act immediately.If a child support order was issued against you and you have doubts whether you are the father of the child then you can request a DNA test through the court. You should act immediately.If a child support order was issued against you and you have doubts whether you are the father of the child then you can request a DNA test through the court. You should act immediately.