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then they will be fired, and unable to collect unemployment benifits. It is also a red flag for any potential future employers, as it shows this person is unreliable, and will quit without notice. If it a military or government contract, it is possible to even serve jail time. About a year ago, you could even be executed, but a supreme court judgment said that only murderers can get the death penalty.

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Q: What if employee wants to terminate employment contract without any notice?
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What is the concept of express employment about?

Express employment is also know as "at will employment" in the United States of America. It enables either the employer or employee to terminate the employment at any time and without notice unless a contract has been entered into by poth parties beforehand.

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normally employees who resign themselves of the right to make for redundancy or other payments. However unfair dismissals act (uda) 1977 covers constructive dismissal which is defined as "the termination by the employee of his contract of employment with his employer whether prior notice of the temination was or was not given to the employer in circumstances in which, because of the employer, the employee was or would have been entitled or it was or would have been reasinable for the employee to terminate the contract of employment without giving prior notice of the temination to the employer"

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It depends on the state you're in, I believe. I live in VA and an employee or employer can terminate the employment without good reason at any time. Normally an employer won't do this. Normally they give a warning.

How to Understand an Employment Contract?

An employment contract is a written document signed by both the employee and employer that documents what is expected from both of you as a result of your business relationship. An employment contract can benefit both the employee and the employer by avoiding misunderstandings and miscommunications regarding what the employer expects from the employee in exchange for his paycheck. An employment contract can spell out or address a wide range of issues affecting both the employee and the employer. These include the length of employment expected, the exact responsibilities born by the employee, the specific benefits such as health insurance, vacation pay, sick days or disability leave that the employee is entitled to, the reasons that the employer can terminate the employee’s services, any non-compete agreement once the employee leaves the employer for another opportunity, the matter of confidentialty when dealing with client lists, trade secrets and other proprietary information owned by the employer, who owns any work products that the employee develops, creates or supervises while an employee, and how any disputes are agreed to be handled between the employee and employer. An employment contract can specifically spell out the amount of hours or days to be worked, the designated break and lunch times allocated each workday, and the amount of paid leave offered for vacation, disability or illness. An employment contract is a wise idea for businesses dealing in developing new products or dealing with a lot of confidential information because it makes very clear that the employee cannot violate this confidentiality at the risk of termination and lawsuit. If training is involved when hiring a new employee, an employment contract can help ensure that they don’t leave within a few months time for greener pastures, causing all that money and effort to go to waste. Employment contracts also protect businesses from having an employee leave and get hired immediately by a competitor or go directly into a competing business. An employment contract can protect the employee from being terminated for no reason after a time shorter than specified in the contract, unless an at-will agreement has been signed. This means the employer can terminate the employee at any time, for any reason. Also, terms of an employment contract are binding and cannot be changed without both parties agreeing to renegotiate. Since an employment contract is legally binding on both parties, it should never be signed unless all terms are understood and agreed to and legal counsel for both parties has reviewed the document for anything misleading or questionable.

Can your boss put you on call with no pay being a part time worker?

It depends on the nature of your employment. If you are an "at will" employee, then your boss can ask this of you. At will employment is the most common type, and it means that you and your boss are at liberty to alter the terms of employment at any time. It also means that you are at liberty to quit at any day with or without reason. Your boss is also free to fire you at any time with or without reason. If you have an employment contract that specifically outlines your duties and responsibilities, then your boss might not be able to put you on call with no pay. I would advise you to read your employee manual to see what the exact conditions of employment are. If you have an employment contract read that as well. If your contract terms have been abrogated, contact a lawyer if you would like. Most likely though, you are an at-will employee. If you would like to keep your job, then you will probably have to be on call without pay. If you do not accept this condition, you are free to terminate your employment relationship at any time. A more amenable way to solve this problem would be to talk to your boss about the reasons why you don't like being on call. If you are a good employee, he might agree not to make you do it. You should speak to your boss, it might work.

What is a probation period-?

A probation period is a designated period of time at the start of employment during which the employee's performance and suitability for the job are closely monitored and evaluated. It allows employers to assess the employee's skills, work ethic, and fit within the company before making a long-term commitment. During this period, either the employer or the employee may terminate the employment contract without notice.

Can an employer change the way it calculates employee's year end bonus without prior notice?

If you have a contract of employment then it should explain the terms of your employment. Without a contract it becomes very difficult. You could consider talking to the citizens advice bureau or even your companies personnel department ( if there is one ).

Is it lawful in SC to terminate employment without reason?

South Carolina is a "right to work" or "at will" state, which means an employer can terminate employment for any reason. However, labor laws still apply to discrimination and the state's laws pertaining to unemployment govern whether the separated employee will be eligible for benefits based on circumstances relating to the separation.

If you told an employee something you heard about them from another employee is that a breach and can you get terminated for that?

Your question is not really specific enough to be answered. If you mean a "breach of contract" it depends on what the contract says. You should review it or consult an attorney if you are truly that concerned. You can be terminated, absent a contract or local laws stating otherwise, for any reason or no reason at any time with or without notice. This is called employment at-will and is the type of employment offered by most companies.

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Personally, I would say it is not right. Unfortunately that does not necessarily mean it is illegal. If your state has at will employment, then that means either party, you or the company, are free to terminate the employment arrangement at any time, unless there is a contract which specifically states an employment term. Check to make sure you are not under any kind of contract. If there is a union at your company they may be able to help you. Sometimes the union steward will help you even if you are not personally a member of the union.

Can company force you to transfer?

In general, a company cannot force an employee to transfer to a different location or position without the employee's consent. However, there may be exceptions if the transfer is specified in the employment contract or if there are business reasons that warrant the transfer. It is advisable to review the terms of employment and seek legal advice if necessary.

Can an employer cut an employee pay without notice?

Unless the employee is protected by an Union Contract, yes, the employer can change employee compensation at will.