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According to the provisions in the trust document. You must review it.

According to the provisions in the trust document. You must review it.

According to the provisions in the trust document. You must review it.

According to the provisions in the trust document. You must review it.

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According to the provisions in the trust document. You must review it.

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Q: What if a deed names a trust and another individual how is the property administered at trustor's death?
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When the administration is closed can the administrator sell property?

No. In fact, an administrator must apply for a license to sell the property. An administrator doesn't have any authority to sell property without a court order. Once the estate has been closed the heirs at law own the property. The deed must come from those heirs.If property is discovered after the estate is closed and the heirs wish to sell it through the estate the administrator (or another qualified person) must petition to be appointed the administrator de bonis non (of property yet to be administered) and then must apply for a license to sell the real estate.No. In fact, an administrator must apply for a license to sell the property. An administrator doesn't have any authority to sell property without a court order. Once the estate has been closed the heirs at law own the property. The deed must come from those heirs.If property is discovered after the estate is closed and the heirs wish to sell it through the estate the administrator (or another qualified person) must petition to be appointed the administrator de bonis non (of property yet to be administered) and then must apply for a license to sell the real estate.No. In fact, an administrator must apply for a license to sell the property. An administrator doesn't have any authority to sell property without a court order. Once the estate has been closed the heirs at law own the property. The deed must come from those heirs.If property is discovered after the estate is closed and the heirs wish to sell it through the estate the administrator (or another qualified person) must petition to be appointed the administrator de bonis non (of property yet to be administered) and then must apply for a license to sell the real estate.No. In fact, an administrator must apply for a license to sell the property. An administrator doesn't have any authority to sell property without a court order. Once the estate has been closed the heirs at law own the property. The deed must come from those heirs.If property is discovered after the estate is closed and the heirs wish to sell it through the estate the administrator (or another qualified person) must petition to be appointed the administrator de bonis non (of property yet to be administered) and then must apply for a license to sell the real estate.

if a person passes and doesn't own any property, do you still have to go to probate court. also, if they owned property and signed it over to a relative, is there a time frame before you die this this should take place?

If there are any assets and debts, the estate will be probated. The assets do not have to include real property. If the individual deeded the property to another prior to his passing, the property belongs to the deed hold.

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