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Then it no longer exists.

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Q: What if a corporation has been dissolved administrativly?
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What happens to a corporation's license if the corporation is dissolved?

What type of license are you referring to? If the corporation is dissolved, everything relating to the corporation would also be voided. This would vary based on regulations of the state that the corporation is registered and based in also.

Can a corporation bankrupt after it is dissolved?

No, once it is dissolved, it doesn't can't do anything at all.

What is a major advantage of a corporation?

A major advantage of a corporation is the limited liability of the owners. When a stockholder dies, the corporation is not dissolved.

Can a dissolved corporation sue?

A dissolved corporation is no longer an entity. I can't imagine how it can enter a legal action, unless the entity was assigned to an agent or one of the original parters.

How long can a lien be held against a corporation if its dissolved?

a dissolved corporation is not a corporartion. a superior court judge will hear any case to see if the "veil" of the corporation can be punctured. If so, the lien holder can sue the officers separately.

Can you sue a dissolved corporation in Georgia?

For a time, yes. Depending on the nature of the claim and how the corporation was dissolved, the claim is barred after a period of time, basically 2 years or 5 years.

Can a judgment be collected from a dissolved corporation?

The judgment would have to be presented to the bankruptcy court. Wow! Who mentioned bankruptcy? This is a money judgment against a admin dissolved corp. If bankruptcy had been filed the judgment, if listed, would be discharged and worthless.

Can a company continue an ongoing law suit when it is no longer operating?

There's no reason it can't, as long as it still exists in a legal sense (that is, the corporation hasn't been dissolved entirely).

It is dissolved when the purpose for which it was created has been achieved or when it is no longer required?

A corporation can be dissolved voluntarily by its shareholders or directors, or involuntarily by the state if it fails to comply with legal requirements. Dissolution means the company ceases to exist as a legal entity and its assets are distributed to creditors and shareholders.

Who is olevia electronics owned by?

The Olevia brand was owned and operated by Syntax-Brillian Corporation. Syntax-Brillian Corporation has since dissolved. Subsequent to their closure, rights to the brand were purchased by Emerson.

If you already have a c36 ca license that your corporation now holds do you need to retake exam for a new c36 license?

if the corporation is dissolved or sold, you would need to retake the exam. the corporation holds the license and it can not be transfered to an indevidual. as long as the corporation has a qualifying indevidual to oporate under the license youll be fine.

Can a dissolved corporation sue someone for payment?

If you had a debt with a corporation, then it was an asset (like a building, chair, computer, company car, etc). At the time of dissolution, the corporation sold its assets, including debts owed to it. You legally owe the agency or assigns that purchased your obligation.