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Child support is never enough. How could it ever be? When you take one household and split it into two you will have twice the expense, and everyone has less. You either find a way to make more money, or you look for ways to cut costs. You might even have to rely on community services to get by. Examples are, gleaners markets, food boxes, rental and energy assistance, grants and scholarships for rec. centers, camps, and schools, clothes closets, and low income counseling centers just to name a few. It is very unlikely that you will qualify for welfare, since you do have income. Researching what community services are available in you area is a much better option than taking a second job, which will take you away from the children even longer. Calling 211 on your phone is a good place to start.

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14y ago

Run, don't walk, to the courthouse and file a request to modify/terminate support. (FYI, the courts cannot reduce/terminate child support retroactively.)

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What does without regards to any condition such as child support mean?

It means that, in whatever is being decided, the fact of child support being paid or received, or in what amount, will not be counted in the decision. Whatever it is will be decided as if no child support was involved in the case.

What is a child support purge regarding jail?

A "purge" means that if you pay a certain (court ordered) amount of money towards your back child support, you will not be jailed or, if in jail, you will be released.

If the fathers not working does he have to pay child benefit?

no, but when he does get a job they will take money out of his check for back child support which means he will have to pay for all the amount of time he was not paying.

Who receives the child support payments?

the caregiver of the child. the word support means to take care of, so child support, means to take care of the child. which means that child support payments should be given to whomever is taking care of the child in order to support that child. Pay your child support through either the courts or the State disbursement unit. DO NOT give any money or anything else to the obligee unless you want it to be considered a gift.

Can only a certain percentage of paycheck be deducted for child support even if it means not paying the full amount of court determined support amount per month in Ohio?

Under federal law, 55% of the gross.see related links

In California can child support be order if child is in someone else name?

The child's name means nothing. Support is based on parentage.

Do temporary child support and temporary custody mean the same thing?

No. Custody means the child lives with you. Support means you are paying the parent who has custody.

What if they collect it after the limitations?

I assume "it" means "child support. There is no statute of limitations on collecting past-due child support.

What is a temporary order of child support?

Means you are to pay child support for a short time or until it is made permanent .

Can child support be reduced if the custodial parent gets a job?

yes It's possible but unlikely because, in general, child support is based on the obligor's net income. In some countries like Australia, parental child support is based on a percentage of the non residential parent's net income. This amount is regardless of what the residential parent earns. The governmental child assistance amount changes according to the residential parent's income. (In the case of Aus, RESIDENCY means whichever parent had the child living with them at the time. CUSTODY means whichever parents has the responsibility for decisionson the child's life. Generally this means both parents unless neglect, violence etc is involved)

What is the law in Texas about paying child support when entering a new marriage?

Nothing changes regarding child support orders whether it is the mother or the father who is remarrying. The child/children are the responsibility of the biological parents not a new spouse. For example if the mother marries someone of substantial means it would not affect the child support amount that was ordered to be paid by the biological father, as the mother's new spouse has no legal obligation to support the child/children.

If you are a college student do you still have to pay child support?

Answer 1:What you do for a lving means nothing. If you are ordered to pay child support, then you must pay it.Answer 2:The only time you do not have to pay your child's support legally is while in jail or prison. You will be charged with paying that missed amount back when you are released.If a situation arises in which the child is no longer your's, you may be released. This would involve another adopting the child.