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Any time you snort any medication designed to be taken orally, you take a potentially huge risk. The pharmacologists that design the medicine, the tablet or capsule, the coating and the inert ingredients, do so in a way that they KNOW how quickly the medication will release into your system. By choosing another, unintended method of administration, you can dramatically change the effect the medication has on you. It's not just a matter of getting more bang for the buck, or getting a rush. It dangerously modifes the way your body absorbs the medication, and how much it absorbs at one time. Doses that may work just fine over 12 hours, can be extremely dangerous when they hit you over a period of 10 minutes. Also, the binding compounds and the coating of the tablet are not designed to be in contact with a mucous membranes, so resultant damage to your nose can also be a concern. In summary, what happens when you snort tramadol -- I don't actually know and I don't think anyone has done studies on this either. As I don't personally like the idea of becoming a pharmaceutical company's guinea pig in an uncontrolled study where, if something goes wrong, there's no help in sight, I would advise against doing this. I'll leave you with one thought. Recently a professor at Harvard advocated lacing meds that have a recreational value with capsaicin -- the compound that makes japapeno and habenero peppers hot. If you swallowed the coated tablet, the capsaicin would have zero effect in your stomach. If it hit your muscous membranes, it'd be like snorting pepper spray. While this idea hasn't been approved, you may want to keep an eye to the future and make sure you know about this and other "preventative measures".

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