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Members of the general public will not be able to view it or get information about it. HOWEVER - law enforcement, the courts, government agencies, and certain civilian companies authorized to do background searches for security clearances will always have access to it.

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Q: What happens when you get your felony charge sealed?
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How long does a felony charge stay on your record in the state of Nd?

If a person was charged with a felony but has not been charged with any new crimes for 5 years after being released, they can petition the courts to have their record sealed. Felony convictions for SVU crimes cannot be sealed though.

When can an arrest for a felony turn into a misdemeanor?

It's all up to the prosecutor, judge, jury or possibly the arresting officer to change the charge from a felony charge to a misdemeanor charge, happens all the time..

Is a person who got a felony as a juvi and has had that charge sealed allowed to purchas a hand gun?

You would have to check with the licensing authority in your state, but I do not believe you can. Even though your record is sealed, it is sealed ONLY to the public. Government agencies still have access to it.

What happens if while on community corrections you get a felony d charge?

It means you are in serious trouble.

Would an old felony conviction unrelated to theft preclude you from being bonded for a house and pet sitting agency?

It could. If you had a withhold of adjudication on the charge I suggest you have your charge sealed or expunged.

Can you get a pistol with a sealed felony?

It depends. If you have a felony on your record, you can never again own a firearm, unless your rights have been restored. Having your rights restored is something that you have to request, it is not something that just happens, and even then, it can only be done under certain circumstances.Additional: A "sealed' Felony means that it is sealed only to the general public. Law enforcement, the courts, and government agencies doing background checks still have access to the record

If a person is charged with a UUW Aggr on a person with a firearm then pleads guilty to an amended misdemeanor gun charge can the arrest felony charge or misdemeanor gun conviction be sealed or expun?

You need to talk to a lawyer.

What is a persistent felony offender in Kentucky?

It is when a felon keeps on getting charged with felonies. It is at the prosecutor's choice to then charge that person with a PFO, also known as a Persistent Felony Charge. Most usually happens after 3 felony charges and carries a 10 year prison ter.

Can you get your gun rights back if your felony case is sealed?


Is a violation of felony probation charged as a new felony charge?

yes, it is a separate charge

Will a dismissal of a felony charge show up on background check?

A felony charge that has been dismissed may still appear on a background check unless it has been expunged or sealed. It is recommended to check the laws in your jurisdiction regarding expungement or sealing of criminal records to ensure the charge does not show up on a background check.

Can you get a job in an airport retail store with a sealed felony on your record?
