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At the request of the custodial parent or to recover assistance provided, the State may take various actions to collect past-due support, including garnishing wages, intercepting tax refunds and other government payments, placing liens on bank accounts, real estate and other assets, requesting suspension of drivers license, and/or asking the courts to put the obligor in jail for contempt.

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13y ago

Depends on where you live and if the person you are supposed to pay child support to decides to pursue the matter in court. In some states you risk going to jail or suddenly getting a quite substantial bill in the mail that if you don't pay they just take it out of your pay check for however long it takes to get paid off.

Best advice? You made the kid, take responsibility for your actions.

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16y ago

In most states, the state will garnish your wages and TAKE the money from you.

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Q: What happens when you dont pay your court ordered child support?
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Can you still go after the father for back pay child support if your child is moved out?

Yes. Arrears associated with court ordered child support can be pursued.Yes. Arrears associated with court ordered child support can be pursued.Yes. Arrears associated with court ordered child support can be pursued.Yes. Arrears associated with court ordered child support can be pursued.

How do you get your court ordered child support?

I suggest that you contact your State's child support agency for any problems collecting court-ordered child support.

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Who has the power to over turn a court ordered child support payment?

If a parent fails to pay court ordered child support what happens?

Youll have to bring the crazy old dude to court and get him to pay.

Court ordered child support is in arrears. child quit college. what happens to the unpaid arrears amount?

It's payable and collectible.

Can a parent be sued for back child support if there was no court order for the child support?

No, usually support is only due when ordered by a court.

What happens when a person paying child support moves in with new partner or remarries in Nova Scotia Canada?

Moving in with a new partner has no effect on court ordered child support. If he fails to pay then report the matter to the court and child support enforcement.

What do you file to get court ordered back child support he unsuccessfully petitioned to have dismissed?

If he is not paying court ordered child support, he is contempt of court. All you need to do is, go to the court which issued the order and address the issue.

Who would pay child support?

Child support is court ordered. The judge decides who pays child support and how much.

What is considered extra in child support?

Any amount in excess of the the court ordered child support.

Do have to go through child support even if you know where he is working?

You need to request a child support order from the Family Court in order to get child support. If he is not paying the amount ordered by the court you must return to court and file a motion for contempt of a court order. Child support issues must be handled through the court.You need to request a child support order from the Family Court in order to get child support. If he is not paying the amount ordered by the court you must return to court and file a motion for contempt of a court order. Child support issues must be handled through the court.You need to request a child support order from the Family Court in order to get child support. If he is not paying the amount ordered by the court you must return to court and file a motion for contempt of a court order. Child support issues must be handled through the court.You need to request a child support order from the Family Court in order to get child support. If he is not paying the amount ordered by the court you must return to court and file a motion for contempt of a court order. Child support issues must be handled through the court.

What does the judge do to you when you go to court for non-court ordered child support?

It is likely that the judge will enter a child support order and may assess an amount for back child support.