The other parent has filed a petition for joint custody. They want to have the right to be included in decisions regarding the child and perhaps want equal physical custody also. There will be a hearing. If you presently have sole custody and object to the other parent being awarded joint custody then you should consult with a attorney who specializes in custody issues who can represent you in the action.
The other parent has filed a petition for joint custody. They want to have the right to be included in decisions regarding the child and perhaps want equal physical custody also. There will be a hearing. If you presently have sole custody and object to the other parent being awarded joint custody then you should consult with a attorney who specializes in custody issues who can represent you in the action.
The other parent has filed a petition for joint custody. They want to have the right to be included in decisions regarding the child and perhaps want equal physical custody also. There will be a hearing. If you presently have sole custody and object to the other parent being awarded joint custody then you should consult with a attorney who specializes in custody issues who can represent you in the action.
The other parent has filed a petition for joint custody. They want to have the right to be included in decisions regarding the child and perhaps want equal physical custody also. There will be a hearing. If you presently have sole custody and object to the other parent being awarded joint custody then you should consult with a attorney who specializes in custody issues who can represent you in the action.
The other parent has filed a petition for joint custody. They want to have the right to be included in decisions regarding the child and perhaps want equal physical custody also. There will be a hearing. If you presently have sole custody and object to the other parent being awarded joint custody then you should consult with a attorney who specializes in custody issues who can represent you in the action.
A juvenile may be taken into custody if they are suspected of committing a crime or if there is a court order for their detention.
If you show up in court and it is discovered that you have an open and un-served warrant out for you, you will be taken into custody, transported to the law enforcement agency and booked, and then returned to court for arraignment.
You haven't provided enough information. You need to explain how your common law husband got sole custody, what state you live in and whether common law marriage is recognized in your state. Generally a mother has custody until it is taken away by virtue of a court order.
The wife should file a motion of contempt in the court that issued the order. If the man continues to ignore the order the court can issue a warrant for his arrest, he can be taken into custody and incarcerated.
If you have joint legal custody, typically both parents need to provide consent for a child to be taken out of the country. If the mother attempts to take the child without the father's permission, he should consult with an attorney and file an emergency motion with the court to prevent the travel. Involving the legal system will help protect the father's rights and ensure that the appropriate steps are taken to address the situation.
If the custody was taken away there must've been a good reason for it but you can seek visitation rights or appeal but it all depends on why the court took the custody away. Speak to a lawyer.
No. If the court has taken custody of the child, the parent no longer has parental rights and cannot make decisions about the child's care or living conditions, at least until the court take actions to restore custody to the parent.
You will be taken into custody. Since CPS is giving the drug test you must all ready be on probation or have a problem. You will be taken to juvenile court and held in the juvenile justice system.
Since you haven't included any details the following is general information. The parent needs to rectify the circumstances that resulted in their losing custody in the first place if custody was taken away by a court. If the parent voluntarily consented to the change in custody they can petition the same court to end that guardianship and restore custody in the parent.Since you haven't included any details the following is general information. The parent needs to rectify the circumstances that resulted in their losing custody in the first place if custody was taken away by a court. If the parent voluntarily consented to the change in custody they can petition the same court to end that guardianship and restore custody in the parent.Since you haven't included any details the following is general information. The parent needs to rectify the circumstances that resulted in their losing custody in the first place if custody was taken away by a court. If the parent voluntarily consented to the change in custody they can petition the same court to end that guardianship and restore custody in the parent.Since you haven't included any details the following is general information. The parent needs to rectify the circumstances that resulted in their losing custody in the first place if custody was taken away by a court. If the parent voluntarily consented to the change in custody they can petition the same court to end that guardianship and restore custody in the parent.
Temporary child custody lasts for as long as it takes to have a final order put into place by the court. If you have never taken the matter to court, then what you actually have is called defacto custody.
You must file a motion with the court requesting a custody hearing.
Judicial Custody means the person is sent to jail such as Central jail under the control of Judiciary ,not under Police station. The inmate can be taken to judicial custody after the court orders.