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It all depends on what you mean by "late." A few minutes late - a few hours late - a few days late - etc. - etc.

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Q: What happens when you are late to a meeting with your probation officer in DC?
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Related questions

How old do you become a probation officer?

The age requirement to become a probation officer typically varies by jurisdiction. In many places, the minimum age is 21 years old. However, it's important to check the specific requirements of the jurisdiction you're interested in working in, as they may have different age requirements.

What happens when i report late for parole officer?

You may get sent back to prison.

What happens if you are late on child support and are on felony probation?

im pretty sure ur child gets taken away

What is the verb form of report?

report is a verb report - I report to the probation officer everyday. reported - I reported late yesterday. reporting - I have been reporting for 3 months now

How to make a sentence with meeting?

Don't be late for the meeting. Who was that at the meeting?

The meeting did not fall through until late?

The meeting was progressing normally until late, then it did not work!

Can you make a sentence with the word were?

Were is a form of "was". An example of each would be: "He was late for the meeting" "They were late for the meeting".

How can you use the word late as an adverb?

You can use "late" as an adverb to describe an action that happens after the expected, usual, or planned time. For example, "She arrived late for the meeting."

Is paying court fines late a probation violation?

Paying court fines late can be considered a probation violation, depending on the terms of the probation. If the payment of fines is a requirement of the probation and there is a specified deadline for payment, not adhering to that deadline can be seen as a violation of the terms. However, specific circumstances and jurisdictional regulations may vary.

What country is it okay to arrive late to a meeting?

Arriving late to a meeting is generally considered disrespectful in most countries and professional settings.

What are some reasons to be late that start with a b?

Dinie Slothouber was late to her meeting with Mitch Longley due to the Bus Breaking down! Carol Schultz was late to her club meeting due to Bathroom troubles!

Make a sentence for word meeting?

The team will have a meeting to discuss the project timeline.