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Q: What happens when the attorney general does not execute the laws of the land as written?
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A "power of attorney" refers to a written instrument, executed by one person (the principal) that allows another person (the attorney in fact) to act on their behalf. If the principal dies the power of attorney is extinguished. If the attorney in fact dies the principal must execute a new power of attorney that names a new attorney in fact.

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The principal can revoke the Power of Attorney at any time by a written notice to the attorney-in-fact. Notice of the revocation should be sent to any facility where the POA had been used by the AIF such as a bank or doctor's office. If it was used to execute documents affecting real estate a copy of the revocation should be recorded in the land records.Otherwise, a General POA is extinguished when the principal becomes incapacitated.A Durable POA remains active even after the principal becomes incapacitated.Either is extinguished upon the death of the principal.

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No, they are required to execute the will as written.

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I am certain that your state's attorney general would appreciatereceiveingyour written request for an investigation. Perhaps they would forward your interest to the US Attorney General's office. Don't forget to sign your letter.

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You should return to the attorney who drafted your Will. You can execute a Codicil, written in the same form as a Will, that will strike the name of the personal representative named in the Will and substitute your new choice. The Codicil should be attached to the original Will.

Should be word nurses be capitalized when written in the middle of a sentence?

No. Generally, professions that require a capitalization are those in which there is only one, as in governmental positions (President, Attorney General, etc.)