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It Becomes A Law Automatically .

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Billy Hagenes

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Q: What happens when governor takes no action on a bill passed by both houses?
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What happens when the governor takes no action on a bill passed by both houses?

It Becomes A Law Automatically .

What if the governor does not sign a bill that has been passed by both houses of the legislature?

Then they veto it.

How soon must a bill passed in both houses be sent to the governor?

What if the governor does not vote sign a bill that has been passed by both houses of the legislature?

Well then simple that means it will not officially become a law.

Where did the legislation in the 1800 get passed to?

Not sure what your asking. All legislative action happens in Congress.

How soon must a bill passed in both houses be sent to the governor in Illinois?

30 days. Hope I helped! BTW this might be late so sorry :)

When will a bill become a law?

A bill passed by both houses must be sent to the Governor within 30 days. The Governor has 60 calender days to sign it, or to return it with a veto. If he does nothing, the bill will automatically become a law after the 60-day period.

What would be 3 ways the Lt Governor will be governor?

Governor Resigned Passed Way If the governor is out of state and decision needs to be mad

A solution passed by both houses of congress is called?

A solution passed by both houses of Congress is called a Joint Resolution.

Has a marriage equality bill ever been introduced in either house of the state legislature in California?

Yes, unsuccessfully in June 2005, then successfully in September 2005. It was vetoed by Governor Schwarzenegger. It again passed both houses in September 2007, but was again vetoed by Governor Schwarzenegger.

When a bill is referred to joint meeting of both the houses of Indian parliament it has to be passed by?

when a bill is referred to joint meeting of both the houses of indian parliament it has to be passed by

What happens in the House of Representatives?

In the House of Representatives the Law is made. Then it is passed to the Senate, to debate. This is called a bill. After that the Sergeant at Arms takes the law to the Governor General and it has to be signed to become a law.