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Another trial begins with a new judge, jury, and evrything.

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Usually a retrial.

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Q: What happens in the case of a hung jury?
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What happens if the jury does not reach a verdict?

If a jury cannot reach a verdict, it is considered a hung jury, and the case may result in a mistrial. In this situation, the prosecution can choose to retry the case with a new jury.

What happens if a jury is hung?

judge can mistrila or ask the jury for more deliberation

Can you retry a 1st degree murder count if you have a hung jury?

Yes, a hung jury does not decide the guilt or innocence of the defendant. Until their is adjudication (decision) of the case that is not a finished case. If a jury is hung the prosecutor has to decide if they want to refile the charges or not. If they chose to refile then the case begins all over again. If not, then the defendant does not have to answer to the charge anymore. When that happens the case is dismissed. It can be dismissed with or without prejudice. If it is dismissed without prejudice then the prosecution can refile charges somewhere down the line; if it is with prejudice they cannot reopen the case.

What is it called when jury can't reach a decision?

A hung jury.

What jury means a jury can not find a verdict?

A hung jury occurs when the members cannot reach a unanimous verdict. In such cases, the judge may declare a mistrial, and the case may be retried with a new jury.

A hung jury is a jury that is on a verdict?

A hung jury is unable to reach unanimity on a verdict.

How do you use hung jury in a sentence?

We told the judge we were a hung jury.

Is evidence of a prior hung jury admissible?

I think the word "evidence" is mis-used in the question but, yes, unless the judge rules that information inadmissable, the jury can be advised that they are re-trying a case that originally resulted in a hung jury.

How long does a jury deliberate before the verdict is reached in a criminal trial?

There is no one definite answer. Some juries can reach a verdict in a matter of minutes, some can take hours, and some can take days. There are occasions when a jury cannot reach a verdict, no matter how hard they try and they are called a hung jury. In case of a hung jury, the law will decide if to try the case again, or to drop the matter completely.

Where did the hung jury come from?

The origin of the term is unclear, but it is definitely American in origin, dating from around the early 19th century, no later than the 1840's. Assorted accounts at the time of mistrials due to lack of jury unanimity have referred to the jury being "hung", perhaps a means of saying "hung up", unable to proceed.

What was the verdict of the trial and what happened after that?

what happens in the verdictafter trial is that the person gets the sentencing and then goes to a hung jury

What is a jury that cannot reach a verdict?

It is called a hung jury. See the link below