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A CMC is a meeting that takes place at the Court House. Attendance at this meeting is limited to the Judge, and the parties (the Plaintiff and the Defendant). If party has a lawyer representing him or her, the lawyer may also attend. This meeting happens after the Plaintiff begins the lawsuit by filing the Claim/Summons, but before the trial. Generally, the CMC is 30 minutes to one-hour long.

This meeting is not a trial and, therefore, witnesses do not attend at this stage.

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That is where the judge and the attornies get together and work out a plan or a proposed timetable as to how the trial is going to go and/or how long it might take. It is strictly a case management tool (this the name), and no facts of the case are presented or argued at such a conference. The defendants attendance is not required.

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Q: What happens in a Case Management Conference?
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