You'll have been considered to have abandoned your lease and would forfeit your security deposit and possibly be subject to civil litigation for damages to the landlord. Including, reasonable cleaning fee's, storage of your property for 30 days, disposal of your furniture/items (should you fail to claim them within the property abandonment period), reasonable rent due (it took them 2 months to re-rent the dwelling), attorneys fees, court costs, and other damages.
The very basic answer is ask to be let out of the lease, don't run from it. It actually costs more to run from the lease then to have asked to be let out, lose your security, and move on.
A landlord cannot make you leave your dwelling or threaten to have you arrested if you don't, without proper due process (court proceedings). A state of emergency does not give the landlord - in most states - any special privileges or rights.
If this noise is a problem for other tenants, the landlord may be in violation of the lease with the other tenants. This would give them a reason to leave before their lease is up.
only if that is agreeable with landlord. A lease agreement without a lease is a verbal lease. Your last month's rent is not a security deposit.
No landlord may ever kick you out without taking you to court first (evicting you).
he shouldn't be your husband if he doesnt have a heart for kids
As long as your landlord has control of the property he still has the right to collect rent: whether the house is foreclosed is between your Landlord and his mortgage lender. If the property is taken over by the mortgage lender they may ask you to leave. There may be some form of protection available for you, the Tenant, before you are forced to leave. Get legal assistance as soon as you learn about the foreclosure so that you can be prepared for what's next. You may or may not be required to leave soon.
He "walked the talk". He fulfilled your ultimatum ... and moved out.
As long as you pay the rent, you don't have to leave.
They get very rusty if you just leave it there without ever using it.
If you leave a plug socket on without a plug in it you will lose between 550 to 1,000 health points per 1 swich
It would most likely not be illegal for the landlord to leave trash since they own the home. You could speak to an attorney in your area for local laws.