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You can be held in comtempt of court.

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Q: What happens if you ignore a subpoena for financial records?
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What happens if I don't appear in court because I paid all my assessments before the trial?

You ignore ANY subpoena to court at your peril. If you ignore it, the judge may believe that you are avoiding the fine and issue a bench warrant for your arrest. Perhaps the records of your payment have not yet caught up to the case jacket and the judge is unaware that you satisfied your assessment. Bring all supporting paperwork with you, and you will no doubt be dismissed by the judge.

Can a subpeona be boycotted?

No, a subpoena is a legally binding court order that requires the recipient to appear in court or provide documents. Ignoring or failing to comply with a subpoena can result in legal consequences, including fines or even imprisonment. It is important to comply with a subpoena to avoid these repercussions.

Do you have to answer information subpoena?

Yes, you do as long as you are the judgment debtor of the person serving the subpoena on you and as long as it was issued properly. If you ignore the subpoena, the creditor could apply to the court for an order directing you to answer it. If the order is served on you and you still refuse to answer it, the creditor can apply for an order to hold you in contempt of the court order, which could subject you to arrest. This type of arrest is not a criminal arrest, but the court might decide to keep you in jail until you do answer the information subpoena.

Do you have to answer a information subpoena?

Yes, you do as long as you are the judgment debtor of the person serving the subpoena on you and as long as it was issued properly. If you ignore the subpoena, the creditor could apply to the court for an order directing you to answer it. If the order is served on you and you still refuse to answer it, the creditor can apply for an order to hold you in contempt of the court order, which could subject you to arrest. This type of arrest is not a criminal arrest, but the court might decide to keep you in jail until you do answer the information subpoena.

What happens when you ignore a gift from a farmville neighbor?

When you ignore a farmville gift nothing realy happens it just doesnt appear in your gifts box like it was never there !

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edward mike

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the world will shut down

What do you do when you receive suit papers regarding an automobile accident?

Probably a good time to contact your insurance company AND an attorney. If the "suit papers" include a subpoena to attend court, do NOT ignore the subpoena even if you don't yet have legal representation. When you get there just tell the judge that you need a continuance (more time) to obtain legal counsel, it will be granted.

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allows accountants to ignore the effect of inflation in the accounting records.

What happens if i file a homeowners insurance claim?

Question was in error, ignore!

Ihave a subpoena form lucas county common pleas court and Iam ill and Idont want to go to court with the flu beside that this def. is trying to make me take the stand and i dont have any infor.?

Do NOT -repeat- do NOT ignore the subpoena. That is a court paper ordering your appearance. Call the court that issued the subpoena and discuss it with them. They will decide if you're too 'sick' to attend. The reason you're wanted on the stand is so the court can decide whether or not, what you have to say is relevant. It is not for you to decide on your own.

What happens if you report a user in

they sometimes will have a warninng and if you report someone,you will ignore them after