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It all depends on what the wording of the court order was. In many locations the Sheriff's Office will enforce the court order by forcibly evicting the tenant. Check with your sheriff's office or the court to see if you have that remedy available to you.

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More than likely, when you miss a court date in civil cases, a "default judgment" is taken against you. If you have a REALLY good reason for having missed the court date, you can file a Motion to Set Aside the default judgment and ask that you be given a chance to answer the claim against you.

Depending on the state that you are in, your case may be listed on "case net". If so, you can look online to see the status of the case. If not, you can go to the clerk's office and look at your file to see what the status of the case is.

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Q: What happens if you dont move out by the date of the court ordered eviction?
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What happens if your renters do not move out after you filed an eviction?

They will have their day in court and then will be ordered by the court to leave. You can then enforce this using the local police/sheriff, after the appointed date for them to be out.

On 6 23 14 judgment for an eviction agaisnt me was given Will i be given 30days notice after that or what happens?

If an eviction notice has been given to you, the proper process is that a court date would be set. If you have a hardship such as a newborn baby or taking care of a terminally ill relative, the court may grant you the permission to stay. If the court decides that you were negligent on paying your rent, you will be given at least a 30 day notice to vacate.

What is FTA mean?

Failure to Appear- Didn't appear for an ordered court date.

If a landlord filed an eviction then dropped it before the court date is it still on the renter's record?

No. But it may still be in the court records forever, filed under the names of the parties.

If you respond to an eviction notice and pay the rent owed to the court is it possible to have the eviction stopped?

Answeryes it is possible to have the eviction stopped all you have to do is talk to your landlord and tell them that you will pay the money and if you pay it before or on your court date most likely they will let you finish out your leaseAnswerProvided that you were given the proper pre-eviction notices (as required by your state's laws), the landlord is not required to dismiss the eviction lawsuit after it has been filed. Even with full payment, the landlord can demand that you vacate and surrender the property.If after a eviction notice is filed and landlord accepts payment (in full) from you the eviction becomes null and void. They can only evict you for non payment and you have to be in non payment status at the time you go to court. However, if you have the money to pay your rent in full prior to the court date, the landlord has the right to refuse the payment.

How the Eviction Process Works?

Eviction is an ugly and scary process. People who are facing eviction have rights that are often overlooked because fear has gripped them. Each state has different eviction laws and some towns/cities have local laws that can help a person in danger of eviction. Eviction is the act of a landlord forcing a person to leave a home or business for of lack of payment for past due rent. The process is a long and arduous one for people who are going through it. The first thing that has to occur in most states is the tenant's failure to pay rent. There are several other reasons that someone might be evicted from the home as well. Other than owing rent, the tenant must follow the lease to the letter to avoid eviction. If the lease allows only one person to live in the dwelling (home) and there is more than one person living there, the landlord can evict the tenant. If the lease says "no pets" and a pet is living in the home, the landlord can evict the tenant. The landlord has to take the case to court in order to obtain an eviction. The most common type of eviction is for non-payment of rent. The landlord cannot file for an eviction until the day after the rent is due. As soon as the rent is past due, even by one day, the landlord has the right to file in court. After the landlord files the paperwork, a court date will be assigned. The court date is generally about two weeks from the date the landlord filed. If the rent is paid prior to the court date, the tenant does not have to appear in court. If the tenant does not pay, he or she can show up in court to state why he or she did not pay rent. The eviction process will likely go in favor of the landlord. The tenant will be sent a notice, in most cases, after the police are contacted and an eviction day is set. The police will escort the landlord to the home and the eviction process will take place. The only way to stop eviction in this case is to pay the rent prior to the eviction date. In that case, the tenant will be able to remain in the dwelling. If the three orders of eviction are given by a judge in a one year period, it results in an automatic eviction in most states.

What happens if you do not show up for court date to garnish your wages in claims court?

Warrant for your arrest.

What is stipulation agreement in eviction case?

A stipulation in an eviction is a agreement where the landlord and tenant agree to something, such as a move-out date, payment of rent for dismissal of the eviction, etc.

What happens to personal property of an evicted tenant in New Jersey?

A tenant is "evicted" when the court issues a judgment for possession to the landlord. That judgment gives the tenant a date by which the move has to be made. If the tenant holds over in possession of the apartment despite the judgment of possession, the landlord gets a "warrant for removal", which is sent to a court constable. If the tenant has not vacated the premises, the warrant for removal permits the court officer to physically remove the tenant's belongings out of the apartment and leave them at the curb. It is extremely rare that such a thing ever happens though, because in virtually every eviction matter, the tenant moves out before the physical eviction has to take place.

Is a court ordered mediation held in the court?

The time, date and place for medition session, is decided by the mediator. Therefore, the mediation session can be held wherever the mediator chooses.

How long do you have to vacate the premises when evicted in Ohio?

You should review the court order. It will recite the date by which you must vacate. See related link for more information regarding eviction in Ohio.

What happens if you get your license before the court date of a trial for not having a license?

If you get your license, you are still going to have to go to court. The court hearing is for when you did not have your license.