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If you don't comply with a court order you will find yourself facing contempt charges. You will also damage your case.

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Q: What happens if you do not comply with a court order to file documents?
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What happens if i don't comply to with custody rulings?

That means you are breaking the law by breaking the court order and you can lose custody if you do not change.

What happens in motion to compel hearing family law case?

A motion to compel hearing in a family law case is when one party asks the court to enforce a prior order or compel the opposing party to comply with a court order, such as providing requested documents or information. Both parties present arguments to the court, and the judge will decide whether to grant the motion and what actions to take to ensure compliance with the court order.

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If they don't comply with the court's order, you take them back to court by filing a motion for contempt against them. A hearing will be held in front of the same judge that issued the order and he will make a ruling on their failure to comply with his/her order.

A legal order that a person appear in court or produce requested documents is called?

A legal order that requires a person to appear in court or produce requested documents is called a subpoena. It is a legal document issued by a court or government agency to compel an individual to provide testimony or evidence in a legal proceeding. Failure to comply with a subpoena can result in penalties or contempt of court charges.

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What happens if someone does not comply with a court order of destination pick up of a child?

First question: Is this a customary non-compliance, or a one-time occurrence which can be chalked up to a human failing? If it is a routine occurrence, you can file a motion with the court for contempt of the court's order.

When does the Court order a reply?

When the court wishes a reply to its order it will specify in the order when, and in what form. Otherwise the only thing necessary is that you COMPLY with the courts order.

Court order directing one to appear in a court or produce certain evidence?

A subpoena is a court order that requires an individual to appear in court to testify or produce certain documents or evidence. Failure to comply with a subpoena can result in legal consequences, such as being held in contempt of court. Subpoenas are commonly used in legal proceedings to gather information or compel witness testimony.

The document requiring that records be produced in court?

A legally binding request to provide records or documents to appear in court is known as a subpoena. A subpoena is a court order that requires an individual or entity to provide documents and/or appear in court. A subpoena may be issued by either the prosecution or the defense and is served by a law enforcement officer such as a sheriff or marshal. The documents and/or record requested must be related to the case in question and must be specific and relevant to the proceedings. Failure to comply with a subpoena can result in fines and/or imprisonment.A subpoena typically requires the following: The name of the court issuing the subpoena The name of the party issuing the subpoena The name of the party being subpoenaed A description of the records or documents requested The date and time the records or documents are to be producedIt is important to note that a subpoena is a court order and must be followed. Individuals and entities that receive a subpoena must comply with the order or face potential penalties.

Is it legal for dhr to require a drug test without a court order?

The DHR can ask for a drug test, but you do not have to comply without a court order. If you refuse to comply, they will most likely go before a judge and get an order. Tests are usually requested when allegations are made or there is a history of drug abuse.

What happens if your are held in civil contempt of court in Florida and you live in another state?

Civil contempt is designed to get you to comply with an existing court order. If you are found in contempt or fail to attend the hearing the court can have you arrested. If you are outside the state where the order is issued and get picked up they may or may not transport you back to the state where you were found in contempt.

If your father lives with you does he still have to pay child support?

He has to comply with the court order. Where he lives has no bearing on it.