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The parolee is violated.

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Q: What happens if they find alcohol in the house while you are on parole?
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Can a person drink alcohol while on parole in Pennsylvania?

It depends on the conditions of the parole.

Can you drink alcohol while on parole in California?

Check your parole stipulations. It will state clearly there, no.

If while on parole you commit a felony what happens?

You can count on a parole violation.

Is it illegal to smoke synthetic marijuana while on parole?

Yes. It's illegal to drink alcohol as well.

What happens if youre on parole in Illinois?

Everything you need to know about your actions while on parole is contained in the paperwork you were given at the time you were released. READ THE PAPERWORK and contact your parole officer for any questions.

What if a person get marry while on parole?

I cannot imagine why you would not be able to be married while released on parole.

What happens if you get a ticket while under court supervision in Illinois?

It's up to your parole officer. I would report it to your supervisor with a good explanation.

Can a parole officer search my sons room while im on parole?


What happens if your caught while driving under the influence of alcohol?

You might go to jail...

What happens when you drink alcohol while taking dilantin?

Makes the medication less effective

Can parole help you get your records clear?

Parole is a release from prison before the entire sentence has been served. While on parole, the parolee must meet certain conditions and requirements, which usually include obeying all laws, not associating with known felons or gang members, not using drugs and/or alcohol, seeking employment, and meeting regularly with a parole officer. If the parolee fails to meet these requirements, he can be returned to prison to serve out the remainder of his sentence. Parole has nothing to do with clearing records.

In Texas what happens if you drive without a DL while on parole?

If you are caught, that is two violations: 1). driving without a license - a violation of law; and, 2). contact with law enforcement - a violation of parole stipulations. Likely as not you will be returned to prison with a new charge.