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Contact your homeowner's insurance company immediately and notify them of your situation.

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Q: What happens if someone sues you because they fell on your property?
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first of all, you should have never gotten her pregnant unless you knew for sure it was "love" but I suggest counseling. honestly

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Actualy he died because he fell into a pit of lava.

Who is responsible to remove a tree that fell into my yard when the property it fell from is a foreclosure?

Each property owner or your insurers will be responsible for removing that portion of the tree that is on their own property. A property owner nor their Insurer is liable to another for acts of nature unless it can be proven that they were negligent in some way.

Will insurance cover damage to your basketball hoop after a tree fell on it?

It depends. If it was your basketball hoop that fell on someone else's car, yes. The insurance company should cover damages to someone else's vehicle while it was on your property if an "act of God" caused damage. If it's your vehicle on your property or even if you're renting the property, sorry. you're out of luck.

How can a person get paid if a tree fell down on a car while driving down the road and you're in the car with someone else?

If the tree fell off someones property and you can prove negligence on their part you can sue the owner of the property. Otherwise your own auto insurance will repair the damage if you have full coverage. If you have only liability you are stuck with fixing the car yourself.

How do you say fell for someone in Spanish?

hey fell for someone- haheho Me enamore del (maculine) de ella ( feminine)

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Is an apartment complex liable for injuries that happen on their property?

Possibly. It depends whose fault it was. If the roof fell on the tenant's dog because of termite damage, the landlord is at fault. If the tenant fell off the roof while drunk, probably not.