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Then it would be crime because it would be acceptable. the only thing that makes something a crime is that you will get punished for it. if there are no consequences then it will not be considered a crime because everyone will be doing it. :)

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Q: What happens if crime is not punished?
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Yes, happens all the time. Not the punishment they deserve.

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Yes, because it is a crime.

What crime could you do but don't get punished for?

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How were christian punished?

It depends on the severness of the crime if was was totally server they were crucified

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the Nazis punished Jewish people ----- punishment implies crime.

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yes you could be punished for that

A sentence with the word crime?

A crime is something bad and illegal that a person does intentionally ( or unintentionally). Stealing someone's property is a crime, for example.A criminal (a person who commits a crime) is to be punished for it by law.A Crime scene is the place where a crime was committed.

What are legal classification of crime?

A crime is a wrong which is punished by or on behalf of the state, as opposed to a tort which is a wrong for which a private individual seeks redress.

Can a person be punished for a crime before there 18?

Yes. This is depending on where the crime is committed. States have the legal authority to set the age to be tried as a juvenile.

Would a person get punished where they committed the crime or where they got caught?

The person would be tried and punished where they committed the crime. It is part of our justice system to be tried by a jury of our peers, and our peers live in our own neighborhood. So if the person is caught elsewhere, he is returned to the jurisdiction where he committed the crime to be tried. This is why the process of extradition is in place.