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He no longer owns any interest in the property.

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Q: What happens if a spouse takes his name off a deed prior to a legal separation from a spouse?
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What are the rights of a man in a post legal separation?

The same as they were prior to the 'legal separation', except for intimate relations with his spouse...unless she/he agrees.

Can you be divorced and still not separated legally from your spouse?

United StatesNO. A divorce is the legal dissolution of a marriage. Once the divorce decree becomes final the parties have no personal legal claims on each other as to their marriage except those made a part of the decree. (Child support issues and modifications of the decree can be ongoing.)If the parties filed for a legal separation prior to the divorce it would be nullified once the divorce decree was entered. After the parties have divorced it would be impossible to obtain a legal separation since your legal relationship has been dissolved.

Marriage Separation Agreement?

Get StartedA Marriage Separation Agreement is used by spouses who no longer feel they can live together as husband and wife and have reached a mutual agreement on how to resolve disputed matters in their separation. It is important to determine if you and your spouse wish to proceed with a legal separation or a divorce action prior to completing this agreement. A legal separation will allow you to live separate and apart and make a final determination regarding the division of your assets, debts and other important matters, but will maintain the marriage relationship.Our simple interview process will walk you through a Marriage Separation Agreement that can be submitted as part of your Petition for Legal Separation to the court. This Agreement can also be used as a starting point for settlement negotiations between disputing spouses. In order to finalize your legal separation you will need to file a formal action with your county Clerk of Court.**IMPORTANT: This form should not be used by residents of South Dakota and North Carolina as these states do not recognize legal separations. If you have reached an agreement and want to proceed with a divorce please use Rocket Lawyer's Find a Lawyersearch engine.

If you purchase a home by yourself while legally separated and later divorce is you ex spouse entitled to part of your home?

If you reside in a community property state, then YES, your ex spouse would b entitled to part of the home, unless it was directly addressed in a separation agreement prior to divorce.

Can a spouse and her children from a prior marriage be forced to vacate a home if that spouse's name is not on the deed after a restraining order is served to that spouse?

The spouse can, but not the children.

Is spouse responsible for medical debt after spouse's death if bills were incurred prior to marriage?


What does prior spouse mean?

"Prior spouse" is a nice way of saying ex-wife or ex-husband; it may also be a euphemism for a wife or husband who has died.

If property was owned by deceased spouse prior to marriage what is the property rights of the surviving spouse with no will?

Typically the spouse inherits the entire estate unless there are children involved.

Can you buy a property before the final divorce decree has been granted?

Yes you can purchase property prior to your divorce, however, and this is where it gets tricky, your spouse if they have not been advised of this property can make a claim to it, unless you have a legal separation agreement and it has language that from the inception of the agreement you and the spouse shall not stake claim to any property from a specified date etc. Advice, wait for the divorce to be final before you make any large purchases as this can complicate your case. If you need additional assistance contact us at

What happens to dad's Will if I prove mom is being unfaithful?

Nothing happens to a person's Will if they find their spouse has been unfaithful. Further steps must be taken to make changes to the Will.A person can write a new Will but you cannot disinherit your spouse in most states. A spouse is legally entitled to a portion of your estate. Divorce changes the situation. First, a Will written prior to a divorce will become null regarding the ex-spouse unless the Will stated the gift was intended to take effect even in the case of a divorce. A person who has ended a marriage by divorce has the right to write a new Will.

What is dejure sgregation?

De jure segregation refers to segregation that is imposed by law, policies, or government action. It is the legal separation of individuals or groups based on their race, ethnicity, or other characteristics. This form of segregation was prevalent in the United States prior to the civil rights movement.

If a will was written prior to marriage what rights does a surviving spouse have?

In many jurisdictions, a surviving spouse may have a right to inherit a portion of the deceased spouse's estate, even if not mentioned in the will. This is usually governed by laws that protect the rights of surviving spouses. It is advisable to consult with a legal professional to understand specific rights based on the laws of the relevant jurisdiction.