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You get a ticket like everyone else ...

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Q: What happens if a junior operator is caught speeding in the State of Massachusetts?
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What happens if caught speeding on learners permit?

You'll probably get a ticket.

What happens if a British driver is caught speeding in France?

If a British driver is caught speeding on camera in France, nothing or nearly nothing happens. If the same driver is stopped by the police for speeding, he will be fined on the spot (a fine of 90

What happens if you are caught speeding resulting in a ban awaiting a court date where you know you will get banned and you get caught drink driving Oh and if you are on a provisional licence?


What happens if you don't have car Insurance in Massachusetts?

You can't drive without insurance. You can get your license suspended if caught.

What happens getting caught driving alone with a permit in PA and you are over 21?

i got fined $75.. and a $166 dollar speeding ticket

Why isn't kaitlyn lagrand returning TO THE DCC?

She was caught speeding in a construction zone speeding.

If your 16 year old is caught speeding will he lose his license?

Most likely not, depends how much he was speeding

What would happen if you were caught speeding in Syria?

in my opinion they will fine me

In illinois if you are caught speeding in a construction zone are fines tripled?


When you are caught speeding in a school or a construction zone your fine will?

Be doubled

What are the top ten ways to get caught speeding?

um..1. speeding2. speeding3.speeding4. speeding5. SPEEDING6. SPEEDING7. SPEEDING!!!!!!!!!118....... Speeding......9. um speedingand 10. Did i say SPEEDING!!!?!?!???!!!?!?There you go: )

What president got caught speeding and had his wagon confiscated in Washington dc?
