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Frequently in small claims cases, a settlement is documented by a "stipulation". It states the amount to be paid and a schedule of payments (amounts and due dates). It is signed by the parties to the lawsuit, and often confirmed by the judge who wishes to know that it accurately reflects the agreement. As long as payments are made as agreed, the court does not enter a judgment.

Stipulations also usually provide that if payments are not made as agreed, the person to whom the payments are to be made can file an affidavit with the court, and mail a copy to the other party, stating what payment was missed. Usually, the stipulation will also provide that the court is empowered to enter a judgment for the remaining amount.

Be aware that the stipulation can provide any legal terms to which the parties agree. These can include a provision for a grace period. Or, the parties can informally agree that the person owing money will have additional time to pay.

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Q: What happens if a defendant can not pay as AGREED in a small claims judgment?
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Who do you pay installments to on a small claims judgment to in Texas?

In Texas, you would pay installments on a small claims judgment directly to the individual or entity that the judgment was issued in favor of. This is typically the plaintiff who won the small claims case. It's important to follow the terms outlined in the judgment and make payments as agreed to avoid any further legal actions.

In small claims what if the defendant is a no show?

If the defendant does not show up in small claims court, the judge may enter a default judgment in favor of the plaintiff. This means that the plaintiff wins the case by default since the defendant did not appear to defend themselves. The plaintiff may then be awarded the relief requested in their claim.

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To collect an award in small claims court, you will typically need to ask the court to enforce the judgment. This usually involves filing additional paperwork to request the court's assistance in collecting your judgment, such as a writ of execution or a garnishment order. You may also have to work with the court to locate the defendant's assets that can be used to satisfy the judgment.

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Yes, you can file a small claims case against a defendant in a different state but there may be limits on the jurisdiction depending on the state's laws. You may need to file the case in the state where the defendant resides or where the issue occurred if it meets the legal requirements for jurisdiction in that state.

Who does the court notify in a default judgment case in California?

The defendant(s) (persons named on the civil summons) who then have a set time to file their exemption claims or in some cases a countersuit.

What will happen if you do not appear in small claims court when summoned?

If you do not appear in small claims court when summoned, the judge may enter a default judgment against you, meaning the other party automatically wins their case. Additionally, you may be responsible for court costs and the judgment amount. It is important to follow court procedures and attend your scheduled appearance to present your defense.

If personal property is not asked for but money is in a small claims action can that property be repossessed?

(Assuming you are the defendant) If the plaintiff is awarded a judgment against you, and you do not satisfy the judgment in full, the plaintiff may file for a writ of execution on the personal property. The personal property can then be sold at a public sale to help pay for the judgment.

In small claims court when claimant loses case against the defendantdoes the defendant automatically win counter claim decision and cash amount?

No, it is up to the judge to grant judgment. It is not granted by default.

What happens if the defendant does not pick up the registered letter from the plaintiff which are copies from the small claims court?

If the defendant does not pick up the registered letter containing the copies from the small claims court, the court may consider the letter as being served. This means that the defendant is aware of the information contained in the letter, even if they did not physically receive it. The case may proceed in court based on this notification.

Does insurance pay for small claims judgment against them and their client?

In most cases, yes. That is what insurance is for. Farmers Insurance. I figure since they sent 3 people to represent or help the defendant with her case, and lost. They should cover the judgment that was in my son's favor. My son's insurance is 21 century.

Do you have to give deposition at defendants lawyer's after filing small claims suit?

Defendant should not have a lawyer in Small Claims Court. Most small claims actions forbid having an attorney appear unless the attorney is the plaintiff or defendant.

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