Southerners lack gun control because they like clinging to their guns and religion
Yes, a gun can fire in zero gravity because the mechanisms that make a gun work are not dependent on gravity. However, the recoil from firing a gun in zero gravity could be more difficult to control than on Earth due to the lack of gravity affecting the shooter's stability.
Cannot answer due entirely to a lack of sufficient information.
Roughly 1,000 years ago in China- we do not know an exact date due to lack of records.
If you are "pro" in the gun control debate, you are for less gun control. In other words, you are "pro-gun".
There is no "gun control" amendment.
opposing.Versus, contra, counter"I am against gun control" could also be phrased "I'm opposed to gun control", "I'm anti-gun control", "I'm an opponent of gun control", "I disagree with the idea of gun control"
Gun Control
They have gun laws. Whether they actually have the words "gun control" within any of their firearms legislature, I don't know, but they do have gun control.
Gun violence can be attributed to a combination of factors such as inadequate gun regulations, socioeconomic disparities, access to firearms, and mental health issues. Addressing these underlying issues through comprehensive gun control measures, community interventions, and mental health support could help reduce gun violence.
Yes, Ross Perot is for gun control. He was not a typical Conservative and was pro gun control and pro choice.
It is extremely anti-gun control.