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Q: What happens after an injunction is served?
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What is required for a Service of Injunction?

When an order of injuction to have someone do something or not do something as in a restraining order. A sworn statement is required to show that one is in fear of their life and be approved by a judge to the defendant to be served with the injunction.

What happens when a restraining order is put on someone in the same household?

If there are any restirctions on the distance that must be kept between the parties, the one against whom the injunction was served must leave the residence and seek other living accomodations.

How Can you Use the Word Injunction in a Sentence?

Court has issued Injunction . This Injunction forbids you to enter.

What happens when a preliminary injunction is denied in federal court?

Nothing. Whatever it was that you were attempting to injoin continues on as before.

What happens during a harassment injunction court hearing?

what happens at an injunction hearing can do number of things such as seeing if there is enough evidence to proceed, to see if there's a change in the status other case like maybe one party doesn't want to move forward with the injunction, it could just be setting a date for the civil trial or could be simply to try to find a resolution before they go to trial.

What is the word that defines an decree that prevents an action?

I think you are looking for the term injunctive relief.

When was Gang Injunction created?

Gang Injunction was created in 2007.

What is a sentence for Injunction?

He filed for an injunction against police enforcement of the ordinance.

What is a court forbidding someone to do something called?

It is called an injunction

Can you take your child out of state no custody?

Just keep in mind What is in the best interest of the child and that they love each parent,

What is a court order which prohibits some action?

Injunction by: Andrea Burke

What do i have to do to get an injunction lifted against me in england?

To get an injunction lifted against you in England, you will need to satisfy the terms of the injunction. Usually this means paying the fees and fines.