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The states vote on the amendment.

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Rigoberto Schamberge...

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Q: What happenes After Congress agrees on a proposed amendment?
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After congress agrees on a proposed amendment it then must be what?

ratified by three-fourths of the states

After congress agrees on a proposed amendment it then must be?

ratified by state legislatures or state conventions.

Outline the steps congress has usually taken in admitting new states to the union?

if when congress chooses, it passes an enabling act, a convention prepares the constitution, which is then put to a popular vote in the proposed state, then it is submitted to congress for its consideration. if the congress still agrees then it passes and act of admission, then if the president signs it, the new state enters the union

How are new states admited to the union?

By act of Congress.

Can 2 grandmothers get joint costody of a grandchild?

They can if a court agrees to the proposed arrangement.

Which amendment agrees the right of freedom?

There is no "right of freedom". Instead there are various freedoms that are covered like the freedom of speech, assembly, or religion. Freedom is not a "thing" it is an idea.

Why do presidents have to make laws with congress?

Actually, presidents do not make the laws. Only congress can make the laws. Presidents will promote or push their priorities and try to encourage congress to turn those priorities into laws. Presidents need to work closely with congress, since no bills will pass unless congress agrees to pass them, no matter how much a president might want something done.

True or false can the legislative branch override a presidential veto only if the judicial branch agrees?

False. As long as congress has the votes they can override. Judical has nothing to do with it.

How do you make sure that everyone in the world agrees how long a meter actually is?

simple, all the big Nobe's of the countries all get together for a congress meeting and decide!

Congress agrees to allow two states into the union one free and one slave and established slavery policies in the Louisiana territory what was this agreement called?

The Missouri Compromise

What amendment contains a clause that protects those on trial from being compelled to incriminate themselves in court?

The fifth amendment guarantees against self incrimination. Unless a suspect agrees to the questioning, their comments cannot be used in court. The supreme court set a precedent enforcing this in 1966.

How can supreme court decisions be overthrown?

Court decisions can be overturned by higher courts, with the highest being the Supreme Court. Once the Supreme Court has issued a ruling, it can only be overturned by another Supreme Court ruling if the court agrees to hear that case or a similar case again. It is also possible for Congress to pass a law or constitutional amendment (with the help of the states, which must ratify any amendment), which can effectively overturn a Supreme Court decision by altering the law on which the decision was based.