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Before a court destroys or otherwise disposes of any court record, the State Historical Society must be notified of what records are going to be destroyed or disposed of, 90 days prior to their proposed destruction, or disposition. If the Historical Society wants any of the records, those items should not be destroyed, and arrangements should be made with the Historical Society for the transfer of those records. If the Historical Society does not respond within 90 days or notifies the court that it does not want the records, they can then be destroyed. If a court is microfilming or otherwise imaging court records, the Historical Society must still be notified before the original court document is destroyed.

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Q: What happen when a case is mandate from a higher court?
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Taking a particular case to a higher court is known as an?

Taking a particular case to a higher court is known as an appeal.

When an appeal is filed in a case which court has jurisdiction the lower court or higher court?

A 'higher' court will hear an appeal from a 'lower' court

What is a court case brought from a lower court to a higher court called?

A court case brought from a lower court to a higher court is called an appeal. In an appeal, the higher court reviews the decision made by the lower court to determine if any errors were made in applying the law.

What does disposition without our mandate means in appeals court?

Mandate could mean the following: An order from an appellate court directing a lower court to take a specified action. Or, a judicial command directed to an officer of the court to enforce a court order, judgment sentence or decree.Although the totality of the case would have to be taken into consideration to render a 100% accurate interpretation of what the Appeals Court was referring to, IT APPEARS that - "Disposition without our mandate." is very possibly a dismissal of the appeal, and that the disposition of the lower couirt is upheld without further comment by the Appeals Court.

What is the ability of one court to be the only court to hear the case?

a case comes to a court if they have a final ruling then they can. If the person in the case is not happy with the results they can get an appeal and go to a higher case but its rare that people get an appeal.

To apply a higher court for reconsideration of the decision of a lower court is to?

Appeal the decision of the court.

If a person was convicted on a federal case but it should have been tried a state case what would happen?

it doesn't happen, US court is perfect.

What court in New Zealand is higher than the Supreme Court?

No Court is higher than the current Supreme Court.However, in older cases, the "Supreme Court" it refers to may be the equivalent of the current "High Court", as it was called then. In that case the Court of Appeal and Privy Council were higher authority.

Is taking a particular case to a higher court known as an appeal?


To refuse to accept the decision of a court and then apply to have the case heard again in a higher court?

appeal (novanet)

What does it mean for a higher court to uphold a lower courts decision?

That means a case heard in a trial court was appealed to an appellate court; the appellate court agreed with the lower court's decision, and determined the case was conducted properly. When this happens, the appellate court "affirms" the trial court decision, and that decision becomes final unless the case is carried to a higher appellate court that reverses the trial court's decision.

Which court would handle the first appeal of a case tried in a higher level state trial court?

The State Supreme Court