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The Federalists

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Q: What group supported the adoption of the Constitution and wanted a closer union of states and a more effective central government?
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What was the federalist position on the adoption of the constitution why did they feel this way?

· The Federalist position on the adoption of the Constitution was the argument of the difficulties facing the Republic which could be overcome only by the new government based on the proposed Constitution.

What did Patrick herny do after the U.S Constitution was it accepted as the law of the land?

Patrick Henry opposed the adoption of the Constitution because he did not support a strong central federal government. He saw this type of government as a way back to a monarchy. He believed that the Constitution would deprive individuals and states of their rights. While he never supported the Constitution he was instrumental in ensuring that the Bill of Rights was included in the first ten amendments to the Constitution, thereby restricting the powers of the federal government.

What group of individuals advocated for the adoption of the constitution?

The 55 white men who wrote the constitution were the cream of the colonies and the wealthy educated men. They supported the constitution and didn't ask for others to support it.

What kind of government did the Americas make?

As of 1789 and the adoption of the constitution the United States has been a democracy.

After the adoption of the Constitution political parties appeared in the united state because?

Business in interest wanted a stronger government

Those who supported adoption of the Constitution were called?

They were called Federalists.

Why was the anti-federalists against the adoption of the Constitution?

They weren't against the adoption of the Constitution per say, they were in favor of adding a Bill of Rights. Anti-Federalists believed that a country could not be governed by an all-powerful central government, it needed to have amendments.

How did the adoption of the bill of rights address antifederalist criticism of the new constitution?

protecting the citizens from abuses of power by the national government

What does the constitution say about debts contracted before the adoption of the constitution?

all depts contracted before the adoption of the constitution are valid against the united states under the constitution :)

When was the adoption of the constitution?


What were the three famous proposals for adoption of the US Constitution?

What were the three famous proposals for adoption of the U.S. Constitution? ANSWER IT PLEASE!!

Patrick Henry was a leading anti-federalist who was against the adoption of the US Constitution he believed the new federal government would be too powerful Patrick Henry was influential in the?

In the adoption of the Bill of Rights.