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In the US, the legislative branch (Congress) typically votes with a two-thirds majority in both houses to send a proposed constitutional amendment to the states for ratification.

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Q: What government institution may vote on constitutional amendments?
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Which state does not ask its people to vote on constitutional amendments?

There is no state that does not allow its people to vote on constitutional amendments. All states in the United States have some form of process for the public to vote on proposed amendments to the state constitution.

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. Constitutional amendments can be proposed by a two-thirds vote of .?

Both houses of Congress

Constitutional amendments can be proposed by a two-thirds vote of .?

Both houses of Congress

Constitutional amendments can be proposed by a two-thirds vote of?

Both houses of Congress

What are citizens expected to do in a constitutional government?

-Obey the laws of government -Vote

What group has the power to consider changing or replacing a constitution?

Only the people. Constitutional amendments must be brought to a vote of the people. constitutional commision wrong. not its not (14)

Constitutional institution for choosing presidents that came under severe criticism after the 2000 popular vote winner failed to sin the office?

Popular vote

What are some advantages when living under a constitutional government?

You have the freedom to vote, protest, and disagree with the government.

What form of government do all citizens vote on everything?

Isn't that a constitutional Republic?

What is the term for changes to the constitution?

Constitutional amendments. (different countries will have different ways of doing this, some by popular referendum others by a vote of the legislature).

What 2 Constitutional Amendments closely followed World War 1?

i know that one allowed women to vote, but i don't know the other one