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Q: What expressway traffic signal signifies people carpooling?
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Related questions

What is a carpool lane?

Is a lane that people who are carpooling (2 or more people in one vehicle to save on gas)can use

This signifies rule by the people?

popular sovereignty :)

What are people doing to save the green?

Recycling, Carpooling, Planting Trees, Smoking less, Convincing cows to fart less

How does carpooling preserve energy resources?

More people per car --> less cars on the road --> less energy usage.

What are the advantages to carpooling?

Carpooling is when several people who work together, or who live in the same area, get together and share one car to come to work, instead of each driving a car. The advantages are: * fewer cars on the road, not so many traffic jams. * only one car's gas (petrol) is used, so there is a saving on the other cars. Every time a car is driven it contributes by its carbon emissions to building up the greenhouse gas layer, which is causing climate change and global warming.

Why do people marry in white?

because it signifies love.

What is the leading cause of expressway collisions in the state of Indiana?

people not wearing seat-belts and driving in ice

A diamond lane is known as a?

High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) / carpooling lane - allowing only vehicles with 2 or more people inside .

What is the difference between Traffic Enforcer and Policeman?

a traffic enforcer stops people in the traffic and policeme arrests people

What is it called when people ride to work together to conserve fuel?

Any group going anywhere in shared vehicles to conserve fuel is called carpooling.

Why do some people drive with their eyes closed while on the expressway?

When you find such drivers, you should get as far away from them as is humanly possible.

Will carpooling stop global warming?

Carpooling can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by decreasing the number of cars on the road, but it is just one of many solutions needed to address global warming. Combining carpooling with other sustainable transportation options, such as public transit, biking, and walking, can have a greater impact on reducing emissions and combating climate change.