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executive branch

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System limiting the power of federal government branches
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Q: What enforces federal law?
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The fourteenth amendment enforces federal law toward the states.

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Who make sure the laws are carried out?

The executive branch enforces the law through its agencies. The Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States Marshal's Service, Secret Service, etc are all subdivisions (or part of) the executive branch of government.

An example of the executive branch administering a federal law is?

The Internal Revenue Service is an agency of Executive Branch of government. The IRS collects and enforces all federal income tax in the country.

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What branch of goyerment enforces the law?

The executive branch, which includes the president, state governors, military, and police, enforces the law.

What branch of government enforces the law?

The executive branch.

Is this true supreme court enforces the law while congress interprets the law?

The executive branch enforces the law, while the judicial branch interprets the law.  Congress only makes the laws.

The federal election commission enforces in each law of the following areas except?

The Federal Election Commission does not enforce laws on setting the maximum amount that a candidate my contribute to their own campaign. The Federal Election Commission was founded in 1975 by the US Congress.

Who enforces law at city level?

The police

Who enforces your laws in your country?

The Court of Law