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The Constitution assigns the Vice President to preside over the Senate with the right to vote in case of a tie vote. Also, Amendment 25 gives him a role in deciding the question of presidential disability. Of course , he also has a duty to be prepared to take over as President if the president becomes unable to serve/

Article I, Section 3, Clause 4 "The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no vote, unless they be equally divided."

Article II, Section 1, Clause 6"In case of the removal of the President from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the Vice President...

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preside over the Senate
The president is the Chief of State, Chief Executive, Chief Diplomat, Commander in Chief, Chief Legislator, Chief of Party and the Chief Guardian of the Economy.

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9y ago
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12y ago

The Vice President of the United States is President of the Senate and must act as President of the United States when the President is unable to do so.

Believe it or not, The Constitution is not a secret document and it's not in "legalese." It's in perfectly ordinary, plain (18th Century) Engli

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10y ago

The duties of the Vice President as assigned by the Constitution of the United States is to preside over the Senate and cast the deciding vote in the case of a tie. The Vice President is charged with the duty of taking over if the President dies, or is unable to complete his term of office.

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12y ago
Vice President has two duties.1. he shall replace the president if he is not able to execute the duties of the office due to illness, resignation or dealth!

2. he shall vote to break any ties in the senate.

hope it helped you.(:
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13y ago

The Vice-Presidential authority and duties are primarily defined in two sections of the US Constitution. Article I, Section III states:

The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.

Additionally, the Vice-President is defined in Article II, Section I thus:

In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the Same shall devolve on the Vice President, and the Congress may by Law provide for the Case of Removal, Death, Resignation or Inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what Officer shall then act as President, and such Officer shall act accordingly, until the Disability be removed, or a President shall be elected.

In 1965, Congress also passed Amendment XXV which further defined how and under what circumstance a Vice-President assumes the Presidential office, and how the resulting Vice-Presidential vacancy would be handled.

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12y ago

the leader of the Senate (called the President of the Senate); the Vice-President does not vote unless there is a tie

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Voting in the Senate in case of a tie for a+ students.

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2nd in line for the president and president of the Senate

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Q: What duties does the constitution assign to the vice president?
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Are The duties of the office of the Vice President are specifically outlined in the Constitution.?

False (A+)

Are the duties of the office of the Vice President are specifically outlined in the Constitution?

While the Constitution provided information on the election, length of term, and duty as the head of the Senate, it did not outline the specific job duties of the Vice President. In the Constitution, the duties that are stated are, he will replace the president if the president can't complete his term, and he will serve as the President of the Senate, but won't vote unless a tiebreaker is needed.

What vice presidential duty is described in the constitution?

There are a number of Vice Presidential duties which are described in the Constitution. Some of them include leading the congress and advising the president n various issues of governance.

Which article of the constitution are the duties of the president and the Vice President discussed?

article 2 section 2 yahhh!!!! constitution test comin up!!!!!!

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There are not any duties of the President that are shared by the Vice President and the President can not perform any of the Vice President's two duties.

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The vice president in the Philippines really had no role other than being the successor for the president if he is unable to perform his duty, or dies. The president can assign duties to the vice president.

Who was John Tylers vise president?

John Tyler had no vice-president. Tyler was never elected President. He was William Henry Harrison's running mate in 1840. When President Harrison died shortly after his inauguration, Vice-President Tyler assumed the duties of the presidency. However, the Constitution at that time was unclear whether Tyler only assumed the duties of the president, and kept the title of Vice-President, or whether he actually became President. Also, there was no provision in the Constitution for creating a Vice-President when the former Vice-President took over the duties of the President. So no Vice-President was created while Tyler was acting as President. Tyler's term ended in 1844 and he was not re-elected.

Who takes over if the president is absent?

The vice president becomes President if the President dies or is removed from office . There are also procedures by which the vice-president can temporarily assume the duties of president, either voluntarily or involuntarily.

What are the constitutional provisions for filling the executive office if the president is unable to perform those duties?

It's in the Constitution that the vice president takes over.

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The 25th amendment to the Constitution allows for a procedure to allow the Vice President to assume the duties of "Acting President".

The duties of the president and vice president are discussed in which article of the Constitution?

It is in Article Two of the United States Constitution where the powers of the President and Vice President are laid out. The article deals with the executive branch in general.

What is the duties of the president and the vice president?

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