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Q: What does the house of representative have the power to do to government officials?
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In a representative democracy the power of government officials is primarily checked by?

The people check the people they elect.

The house representative has the special power to?

The House of Representatives has one power that none of the other branches possess. It is the power of impeachment of a government official.

Is representative democracy a limited or unlimited government?

Representative democracy is a limited government because power is distributed among elected officials who operate within the constraints of a constitution or legal framework. These officials are accountable to the people through elections and are subject to checks and balances, preventing the concentration of power in any one individual or group.

What impeachment power does a REP have?

House Of Representatives can only impeach all government officials.

According to the US Constitution the House of Representatives has the power to government officials?


Impeachment of government officials is done in?

The impeachment of government officials is done in the House of Representatives. The case will be tried in the Senate.

How does a colonial representative government protect the colonists from an abuse of power?

Colonists protected themselves from abuse of power by forming a representative government.

How does the notion of separation of power and representative democracy provide a conceptual basis for understanding legislature in modern times?

Separation of power as well as representative democracy are both concepts still used in today's government. Separation of powers are still used in both democratic & federative states. Representative democracy is elected officials that meet and represent we as a people in our local, city, state and federal government.

How does oligarchy differ from representative?

An oligarchy is a form of government where power is concentrated in the hands of a few individuals or a small group, typically the wealthy or influential. Representative democracy, on the other hand, is a form of government where citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf. In an oligarchy, power is held by a select few, while in a representative democracy, power is delegated to elected officials to represent the interests of the people.

Where does the government get its power?

the citizens of America. Government gets it's power from the people who vote into office our elected officials. Our elected officials then create laws that govern society.

Which is a power of the house of representative?

money bills

Who has the sole power to try officials who have been impeached?

The US Senate tries government officials who have been impeached by the House of Representatives, and may remove them from office if they find just cause.