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Power to set state taxes.

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Q: What does the constitution not give the federal government the power to regulate?
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Related questions

National government to coin money is what power?

The right of the federal government to coin money is an exclusive federal right provided for in the constitution. The constitution also grants the government to regulate the value of the coins.

Who was the federal government ability to build interstate?

implied power, because constitution allows it to regulate interstate commerce - apex

Did the constitution give the federal government the power to tax?

How does the constitution have the power to tax

The federal government has the exclusive power to?

regulate interstate trade

What level of government has the most power in the constitution?

The level of government with the most power in the constitution is the Federal Government, followed by the state and then local government.

Did the constitution want to limit local power?

Just the opposite. The individual states were to have the power of government, and the federal government was there to raise an army to protect the states, regulate selling of goods and products among the states, and so on.

Is the power given to the federal government detailed specific or limited?

what is the power given to the federal in the constitution

Which statement best explains how the Constitution addressed a weakness in the Articles of Confederation?

States caused economic chaos by making independent trade agreements with foreign countries, so the Constitution gave the federal government the power to regulate trade and foreign policy.

Is Alexander Hamilton a federlist?

Yes, Alexander Hamilton was a Federalist. This meant that he was in favor of a strong federal government. Under the Articles of Confederation, the Federal Government had little power over the states, something that was a big problem. Hamilton favored a new document to govern the country, and therefore supported the ratification of the Constitution. Under the Constitution, the Federal government would have the power to issue money, and regulate trade and taxes.

What is a power the federal government has?

Power to make war, coin money, regulate interstate commerce..

What kind of government does the constitution give the power to coin money to?

Federal government

What power does the constitution give to the federal government only?
