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That the case has reached its end stage and can go no further. It is not an "open" case, but neither is it declared "closed."

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Q: What does the case status 'concluded' mean?
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What does it mean when the case status read CLosed?

Are we speaking of a court case or a police investigation? Usually it means that the case is: over - finished - done - concluded, or in the case of a court action, the final ruling has been made.

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What does JE mean for a case status in Civil case?

Judgement Entered

What does it mean when the case status reads active?

When it says that the case status is active is means that the case is still being worked on. The case will be active until it is finalized.

What does PS mean in a case status?

Probation sentenced

What does status mean on court records after making a plea?

"Status" means the 'current standing' of the case (i.e.: What is the status of this case right now? - What was the 'status' of this case on such-and-such date? - Etc.) The court periodically holds "status hearings" where the attorneys come together with the judge to review where the cases are in regards to being brought to conclusion.

In chapter 13 bankruptcy what does pending mean in case status?

In Chapter 13 bankruptcy a pending status means the case is still open for evaluation and no decision has been made. The pending status may last for awhile depending on how involved the case is until it is final.

What does restored mean in a divorce case status?

I'd need to know where you saw it, and in what context.

What does case dispose?

Concluded - Finished - Done with - Over.

What does it mean when a case status reads dismissed on a civil case?

If it is dismissed without prejudice the case can be filed for suit again. And, if it is with prejudice the case will have notes from the judge and be permanently closed.

What does it mean when a case status reads all reopen compl events closed?

When a case status reads "all reopen compl events closed," it means that all the compliance events that were reopened have been addressed and resolved satisfactorily. The case is now in a closed status, indicating that all the necessary actions have been taken to comply with the requirements of the case.

What does it mean when a case status reads reactive?

I can only believe that you mis-understood or mis-read the word or that it was poorly written. There is no such case status (either law enforcment or court related) that I am aware of. If you actually mean RE-ACTIVATED - then it would mean that the case has been re-opened and is once again under active investigation or is currently on the docket at court.