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Q: What does red light gun signal mean from control tower?
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What does a steady green light shining from the Air Traffic Control Tower mean?

If the aircraft is in flight, a steady green light signal from the control tower means cleared to land. If the aircraft is on the ground, it means cleared for takeoff. If the light is aimed at ground vehicles or foot traffic, steady green means cleared to cross the runway, or proceed.

What does a flashing red light from the control tower mean?

It means get off the runway now, or, if flying, do not land here.

What do you mean by control signal?

The control signal refer to the authorization that is to be given if a particular task is to be accomplished.

Flashing red light on the airfield mean?

If you mean the light gun signals from the control tower- to vehicles, and aircraft on the ground, get off the runway. For aircraft in flight, runway is unsafe, do not land.

Where is the tower of light in World of Warcraft?

No such thing. If you mean Light's Shield Tower, or Light's Point Tower, both are located in Eastern Plaguelands.

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A photocell is a device that detects light. It works by converting light into an electrical signal, which can then be used to control various applications like automatic lighting systems or cameras.

What does a Flashing Green light gun signal from the Air Traffic Control tower mean?

For an aircraft on the ground, it means that you are cleared for taxi. For an aircraft in flight, you must return for landing or go around and attempt landing again.

What does the triangle with the exclamation point signal on your car mean?

Most of the time is means the traction control on the vehicle is turned off. Turn it back on and the light will go out.

What does dash light that looks like tires skidding on dash mean when on?

i think that is the signal for traction control being on.I'm not positive ,that is my guess though.let me know if I'm right

What does a traffic light with a flashing amber signal mean?

You must stop

What is a light houde?

I think what you mean is a light house. light house means is tower with a light that gives warning of shoals to passing ships

What do you mean by controls?

The control signal refer to the authorization that is to be given if a particular task is to be accomplished.