Whether is source is a book, website, or newspaper, or any other thing, that is it's publication medium. If it's a book you would label it's publication medium "print"
For a book,Lastname, Firstmane. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of Publication.
the medium of publication is how the book is published, it could be and online book, magazine . A medium is the kind of form the publication takes: Book, on line blog, e-book, audio tape, video tape, e-magazine, e-newspaper, hard copy newspaper or magazine.
A publication, TV channel or website that carries advertising.
To cite a book in MLA format, include the author's last name and first name, the title of the book in italics, the publisher, the publication year, and the medium (e.g., Print). For example: Last name, First name. Title of Book. Publisher, Publication Year. Medium.
to meet
where it was published
not operationalnot our publication
Author. "Title of Article." Web site. Editor. Site Publisher, or Date of Publication or Medium of Publication (Web). Date of access. .
The medium is like how it came about. Like if it is a book, magazine, journal it would be print. If it is a interview it would be television. If it were a film it would be film and so on.
medium bones
what does it mean to have a soil-less medium