Retaliation is a secular word for returning evil for evil, as such it is a sin.
Statutory presumption refers to a rebuttable or decisive presumption brought about by a statute.
"That was John's retaliation" "No retaliation was needed" "His retaliation was swift and cruel"
Risking presumption, I think you mean the Gordian Knot, which was a seemingly unsolvable problem, solved by a bold stroke.
The root word of presumption is "presume." It comes from the Latin word "praesumere," which means "to take for granted."
There was a presumption of innocence as the jurors entered the courtroom.
CO only
The noun form of retaliate is retaliation. Retaliation is "pay back" as we commonly know it. Here's an example sentence for fun: Retaliation was the idea on the minds of the gang members when they got out of jail. The word retaliation is the noun of that sentence.
presumption of negligence
Risking presumption, I think you mean the Gordian Knot, which was a seemingly unsolvable problem, solved by a bold stroke.
This is a "rebuttable presumption." This means that with the right evidence, the presumption of innocence can be overcome and a defendant found guilty.
password of retaliation