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The imaginary line that seperates one state, county, or country from another.

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Q: What does legal boundaries mean?
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What does respect for territorial integrity mean?

the national government must recognize the legal existence and the physical boundaries of each state

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They mean the state boundaries boundaries

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What are the release dates for Books Du Jour - 2014 Fine Legal Boundaries - 1.6?

Books Du Jour - 2014 Fine Legal Boundaries - 1.6 was released on: USA: 7 April 2014

What constitutional amendment establishes legal boundaries for the interrogation of suspects?

the 5th amendment

What are the release dates for Books Du Jour - 2014 Fine Legal Boundaries 1-6?

Books Du Jour - 2014 Fine Legal Boundaries 1-6 was released on: USA: 7 April 2014

Do states have intangible boundaries?

Yes, states have intangible boundaries that are defined by legal agreements, historical treaties, or customary practices. These boundaries may not always be physically marked on the ground but are recognized and respected by other states and international bodies.

Is it legal for a 14 year old boy to date a 17 year old girl in Queensland Australia?

Yes it is legal, you two are just in the boundaries, if she was 20... then it would probably not be classed as legal.

What does boundaries of a circle mean?

you cant go outside of it

What do survey spikes with orange ribbon mean?

Survey spikes with orange ribbons typically indicate property boundaries or survey markers. These markers are often placed by surveyors to demarcate the limits of a parcel of land. It's important to respect these markers as they represent legal boundaries and should not be disturbed or removed without permission.

What does legal line mean in the context below?

In the context of legal documents or contracts, a legal line refers to a statement, clause, or section that outlines the rights, responsibilities, or obligations of the parties involved. It is a crucial part of the document that helps define the legal boundaries and expectations of the agreement.

What marks the northern and eastern boundaries for the state of Washington?

I think you mean the western and eastern boundaries. And that would be the Cascades Mountain range.