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This means that the mortgage company has included your taxes as part of your monthly payment. They take a portion of your payment every month, hold it in an account called an escrow account, and then disburse it according to the requirements of the county that your property resides in.

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Q: What does it mean when your mortgage company says your taxes have been impounded?
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What can a mortgage company do if mortgage has not been paid in 4 years

How can you find out if your car has been impounded?

Call 911 to report the car stolen. If it has been repo'd or impounded they will tell you.

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Abbey Mortgage is a business located in Ocala, Florida. The company specializes in offering mortgage loans in the state of Florida. The company has been in business for 15 years.

Can you get your stuff out of a vehicle that has been impounded?

Depends. If it's held by a third party company, you may be able to collect personal items out of the vehicle - for a fee. You need to contact the department which had your vehicle impounded to find out precisely what can be done for you.

How long has the mortgage company Nationwide been in operation?

The mortgage company Nationwide has been in operation under various guises since 1846. Nationwide are the forth largest mortgage lender in the United Kingdom and hold a steady place in the market.

Why should you sue a mortgage company?

There are many reasons why you would sue your mortgage company. Each reason would be because the mortgage company wronged you in some way (for example, not putting enough of your monthly payment toward principal). If you feel you have been wronged by your mortgage company, please contact your state attorney generals office.

Should you sue a title company for not paying your mortgage balance at closing which caused your house to go into foreclosure?

Notice should have been given to the homeowner by the mortgageholder letting them know that the balance on the mortgage had not been paid. At that point the title company could have been contacted and the matter should have been cleared up before the mortgage holder could finalize foreclosure proceedings. Therefore, I do not believe that the title company could have caused a mortgage foreclosure.

What type of company is WR Starkey Mortgage?

WR Starkey Mortgage is a mortgage company that offers FHA loans, Jumbo loans and the VA loan program. They have been operating since March of 2000 and their headquarters are in Plano, Texas.

What does it mean that the mortgage company released the lien on your property?

It means that the lender recorded a notice in the land records that the mortgage has been paid. That notice releases the property from the mortgage lien.

How do you get a letter from your previous mortgage company stating you no longer hold responsibility of property due to foreclosure?

You should receive a letter from the mortgage company stating that mortgage lien is released when the house is sold or auctioned off. This does not mean that you no longer have an obligation unless the mortgage company sold the house for an amount that would cover your total balance including all collection costs and any other costs, like real estate taxes, utilities etc. that were incurred. If the mortgage company did not have a deficit balance left, you should have no trouble getting such a letter, but if there is a balance due, the letter may state something to the effect that the property has been sold but a deficit balance of a certain amount of money is due.

What does the company ASC Mortgage do?

ASC stands for American Servicing Company and is part of the Welles Fargo Company. They do not offer any mortgages themselves but merely service mortgages that had been provided by other companies. Clients would only go to ASC Mortgage if they needed to refinance, remortgage or restructure therir mortgage.

Where do you go to get your car back?

Your car has obviously been towed away and impounded so you are going to have to find out what towing company took it. If you have been in an accident then it's in a police impound. May not be in a police impound unless they are doing an investigation which requires it to be impounded. It depends on where it is. Was it repossessed? Was it left on the side of the road? Was it parked in a no parking zone? Was it parked in a reserved spot?