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He probally likes you.

its his own way of flirting with u.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

trying to be nice and polite and not embarass themselves in frony of ppl...or if he likes u did it to i guess get ur attention

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Q: What does it mean when a boy bumps into you and smiles?
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How do you know if a shy boy likes you?

If he smiles at you, bumps into you, if he says he likes or "loves" you stuff like that

What does it mean when a boy holds your hand and smiles?

He like/has a crush on you

What does it mean when a boy smiles and winks at a girl?

Probaly love!

If a boy is talking and he smiles at you what does that mean?

That you're funny looking.

What is it mean when a boy seems to be enjoying your company and smiles when you smile?

that boy likes you or wants to be your friend

What does it mean when a boy smiles to a girl?

Likely that he's a nice person.

If a boy smiles at you does it mean he likes you?

Not necessarily, but if he asks you out or something, then definitely.

How can you tell if a boy likes you and he's not mean to you?

he looks at you a lot and he smiles at you.

What does it mean when your the new girl and a guy looks at you and stare at you and then he bumps into and and like stutters and says he sorry then kinda smiles?

It means he likes you.

What does it mean if a boy purposely bumps into you all the time?

it means he likes you!

What does it mean if a boy smiles and waves at you?

if hes barely talked to you before, he may like you

What does it mean when a boy looks at you with mean eyes but smiles at you?

Either he is trying to get your attention or he wants to beat the crap out of someone.