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A patent is a form of intellectual property.

It protects inventions, including processes or methods with a concrete result, machines, and new compositions of matter.

Once an invention is patented (ie, an application is filed with the Patent Office, the patent examiner determines that the invention is sufficiently novel, useful, and non-obvious to warrant a patent, and the patent is then granted), the owner of the patent can, for a limited period of time (currently 17 years), exclude others from making, using, offering for sale or selling the invention.

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A patent is a deal struck between the inventor and the government. They get first crack at exploiting it if it is of national importance like a weapons system. In return the patent allows the inventor to exploit his idea and reap the rewards without others copying his idea. If someone does copy it he can take them to court with a strong case.

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What does it mean when something is patent?

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There are two kinds of search that people refer to as a patent search. 1. A search for patents and patent applications that might protect parts of something that you want to make/do. You'd do this kind of patent search if you wanted to know whether you'd infringe someone else's patent if you made/did that something. 2. A search for prior information that might show that an invention is not patentable. You'd do this kind of search if you wanted to know whether you could get a patent for an invention, or if you wanted to know whether someone else's patent is valid. The more usual meaning is number 1.

If the mesenteric artery is patent what does patent mean?

it is wide open

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One type of patent is the design patent, which protects "ornamental characteristics." If the design is sufficiently innovative, it may receive a design patent.

What does posterior communicating arteries are patent mean?

It means it is open and functioning. patent=functional.

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"Patent" in this case means obvious or apparent. If you show patent dereliction of duty, you are obviously not doing your job.

Can you patent something as simple as a color change to an existing patent?

You can in the US if the color change is novel, nonobvious, and useful.

What does grossly patent mean in reference to carotid artery?

it means that you have a gross patent and need a new one

What does the medical term patent mean?

"Patent" in medical terms means open, as a vessel. The opposite is "occluded."