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This means that the US Supreme Court overruled a decision by the US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, which had earlier overruled a decision of the US District Court and vacated the District Court's judgment. The Supreme Court ruling is saying that the Appeals Court made a mistake when the Appeals Court said the District Court made a mistake. The Supreme Court is also agreeing that the original judgment given by the District Court is correct after all and it is telling the Appeals Court to reinstate the District Court's judgment.

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12y ago

The appeals court has reversed a particular finding or findings of the lower court and sent the case back to the lower court for them to resume jurisdiction from that point. For example if a defendant was convicted of 4 crimes, 3 based on the testimony of 5 witnesses and 1 unrelated crime based on evidence obtained without a warrant incorrectly admitted into evidence by the lower court. If the apellate court reverses the lower court on the admissability of the physical evidence, the lower court will have to consider whether to declare a mistrial on all 4 charges, or only the 1, and if that conviction had changed the guidelines for the other 3 sentences for the first three crimes whether to hold another sentencing hearing now or after the last charge is either re-tried on other evidence or the DA drops the charges.

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6y ago

They are reversing the trial courts decision. Depending on the legal issue(s) brought up on appeal, the appellate court will apply different standards of review. If they determine that the trial court improperly applied the law under the appropriate standard of review for the issue, then it will be reversed.

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13y ago

That means the case is sent back to the Trial Court that originally adjudicated the case. Usually cases that are remanded by the Appellate Court order further trial court proceedings.

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Q: What does it mean by the judgment of the court of appeals for eleventh circuit is reversed and the case is remanded for reinstatement of the judgment?
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Is reversed and remanded the same in a decision?

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It means the appelate court has reversed the trial courts finding (reversed) - and ordered the case returned to the lower court (remanded) - and has released (relinquished) its (the Appeals Courts) interest in the case back to the trial court.

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To remand, in general, means to send back. An appeals court may remand a case to the trial court for further action if it reverses the judgment of the lower court. In a criminal matter, a judge may remand into custody a person accused of a crime if, the judge finds that a there is reason to hold the accused for trial.

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"Affirmed," meaning that the appellate court agreed with the ruling of the lower court; "reversed" (or "overturned") meaning that the appellate court did not agree with the ruling of the lower court; and "remanded for further proceedings" meaning that the case could not be resolved or fully resolved on appeal and requires further hearings or argument in the lower court.Affirmed - Reversed - Remanded

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Lights Out - 1946 Judgment Reversed 2-18 was released on: USA: 9 January 1950

Is an overturned case considered remanded?

No it is not. If a criminal defendant had been convicted of two charges and the appellate court reversed in part by setting aside the conviction on one of the charges, there would be no remand because the defendant could not be retried on the count reversed. In a civil action, if a plaintiff won on two counts of a complaint and the appellate court reversed the judgment on one by reason of it not being supported by the weight of the evidence, it would not be remanded because the plaintiff doesn't get another chance to prove his case.

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If you have a judgment from a collection agency and it is valid, you have to pay it to have it reversed. If it is not valid you can try to appeal it.

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