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Vacate is a term subject to different meanings. In GENERAL terms and in the context of a court order or decision, vacate means "to overrule" or to "make void."

If you have a particular question about your case, call the Office of The Clerk of Court and ask them what it means to them.

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Vacating a hearing simply means to not have a hearing, this happens when all the parties come to an agreement.

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Q: What does vacated mean in legal terms?
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What does it mean to have a conviction vacated by a judge?

A vacated conviction means the conviction is set aside, in this case by a judge following legal guidelines. A pardon is a conviction set aside by an executive (Governor or President). A conviction can be nullified by executive order or judicial order.

What does word vacated mean?

taken out, removed

What does it mean to have a vacated ticket?

If you are referring to traffic tickets, vacated is the same as dismissed. The charge was dropped, and no conviction was entered.

What does vacated mean in court proceedings?

It could mean, well, "vacated"... that is, moved out. But if you're talking about it in the sense of "the judgement of the lower court is vacated, and the case is remanded for further proceedings" it means something like "made void" or "cancelled."

What does vacated mean in a divorce case?

In a divorce case the word vacated can mean either of two things. It can refer to a judge cancelling an order or judgment. It can also mean to move out of a house.

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In legal terms disposed means the case was resolved in some way. This could mean a plea was reached, or the charges may have been dropped.

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In legal terms, contrary refers to something that is opposite or conflicting with a particular law, rule, regulation, or legal principle. It indicates a situation where there is a violation or non-compliance with the established legal norms or standards.

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In legal terms, ROP can refer to "Return of Process", which is the delivery of court documents or legal notices back to the court after they have been served to the intended recipient.

What does codicil mean in legal terms?

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What does sisted mean in legal terms?

There is no commonly recognized legal term "sisted." It may be a typographical error or a regional term not widely used in legal contexts. If you can provide more context or clarify, I may be able to assist further.

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